(no subject)

Oct 03, 2009 09:45

Sorry I haven't written anything in a while LJ friends...life is really busy. I've been pretty stressed because of school-its my hardest quarter of graduate school yet, and while its awesome that all my classes are useful and interesting, they also come with a ton of work and time needed. It's rough when you feel burned out the third week into an eleven week quarter. It was also taking forever for me and my classmates to find classrooms that would let us do twenty-five clinical hours in them (that's in addition to three nights of classes a week...sigh...). I finally found one though, and its nearby and the teacher sounds awesome, so I'm MUCH happier.

Other things...hmm....I've been having a great time with my friends, which has definitely lifted my spirits. My best friend got out early from work on Tuesday, so she called me and we went and got coffee and chatted until I had to go to class, which was awesome. We got out early from our Wednesday night class, so a group of my friends in the program and I spontaneously decided to go get milkshakes, which was a blast. Tonight I'm going over to my friend's apartment downtown, and a bunch of us are having an appetizers picnic at her place (as it is supposed to be raining) and then getting into our ponchos and going over to the free Country Music Festival to rock out to Miranda Lambert (who I LOVE).

I finished my birthday vid for ashdoode , which is up on YT-she loved it and I'm so happy about that, because she deserves the best. Seriously, if you're not friends with her, you should be, for she is awesomeness. Now I'm working on my multifandom vid-I'm hoping to get a big chunk of it done today during breaks from homework. In terms of writing, I'm not getting as much done because my classes are actually interesting and I have to mostly pay attention lol (I do a lot of my writing in boring classes), but Part 2 of World Chase is almost done, I promise.

As I am still stressed, if you feel up to it, leave me something-a hug, a joke, whatever you want <3

school, stressed, friends

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