Comprehensive master list of all Jared/Dean fic ever

Dec 28, 2006 17:14

What this is: As the subject line states, this is a comprehensive master list of all the Jarean work I've been able to find anywhere. If you know of any other fic, art, vids, meta, anything out there about this pairing, by you or by someone else, please link me to it so I can add it. I will keep updating this post as I find new stuff. This is not a list of all the SPN/RPF crossovers out there, only the Jared/Dean ones. Nor is it a recs list per se, since I add everything I find regardless of how much I personally like it or think it is well-written.

Disclaimercakes: Supernatural is created by Eric Kripke and owned by The CW and its parent company Time Warner AOL, and everyone else on the internet is just borrowing it and hopefully not making any money thereby. These are works of fiction and are not meant to be taken as actual statements about one Jared Padalecki, actor, who quite obviously has never done any of the things featured here and who in no way should be assumed to have the personality traits attributed to the Jared characters in these stories. The same goes for any other character mentioned herein who is "based on" a real person.

*Stories marked with an * are non-Wincest, at least by my standards.
#Stories marked with a # are some of my favorites.

Jared and Dean's Adventures in Monster-killin', Sam-retrievin', and Sexual Confusion by ciaan - Jared and Sam switch bodies, and have to figure out how to get home to their own universes. Meanwhile, Jared and Dean become friends. (Writing this is what made me ship Jared/Dean in the first place, and I love it so much that I'm still working on a sequel.)*#

Damaged and its sequels by cherryscott - Dean's lost everything, and then he meets Jared in Vancouver. Cherry's writing is really lovely, rich and evocative and emotional. And star_dancer54 wrote her a giftfic from Sam's ghostly POV, Just My Humanity (Getting The Better Of Me). There is also la_folle_allure's spinoff AU, Acting On Initiative, where Sam comes back from the dead, and Jared and Dean have to deal with the repercussions of that.#

Substitutes by frayen - Dean runs into Jared in a bar. According to the posting date, this is the earliest Jarean fic ever. Congrats!

Not You But Him by lyra_wing - Again, Dean runs into Jared in a bar. But come on, we all like reading about random bar hookups a bunch, yeah?

The Meeting of a Lifetime and Dean Does Hollywood by fanboi214 - Sam and Dean get called to Vancouver to help Jared and Jensen study for their new parts. Dean is annoyed when he discovers the producers have made a major change to his character.*

Crackalicious Adventures in the Land of OTP by keepaofthecheez - Sam and Dean go to LA to help Jared and Jensen when Jared's dog is possessed. This one is really J2 and Wincest, but it has some Jarean flirting, and I'm erring on the side of inclusivity. And! The Super Curse is a sequel by la_folle_allure that includes porny goodness in loads of combos.

Drive to work by magickly - Meta post, with comment porn by winterlive and jennifus. Whee. And I take it back, this is actually the earliest mention I've found overall.#

Blackout by vileseagulls - Kinky smut ficlet with a tie.*

Two Faces Have I by ze_pink_lady - Okay, kinda reaching again, because this is technically just Jensen being very much in character, but when the narrative uses the name Dean and talks about how hot Jared finds him, that's good enough for me. Also has a follow-up ficlet Push the button.*

Method Acting by parenthetical - Another role-play fic, Jensen being Dean because Jared has a bit of a fictional crush.*

Many Worlds by wesleysgirl - Mostly Jensen/Sam, but it is apropos. And I always like to see fics where they world-hop.

An Unusual Predicament Of Utmost Import by ifyouweremine - Sam and Dean are under this really cracked-out curse, and...

Tell Me Again, How Did This Happen? by enchantress0223 - A foursome, this time with the twist that Sam and Dean apparently are thought-forms created by fangirls believing in the show.

Single sentence handcuff porn - Contributions by hegemony, stellamira, rejeneration, and ciaan.

Cut me up by hegemony - Knifeplay and bondage ficlet. Scroll down past other ficlets to find it.

Chances by kuhekabir - The world is rent apart, and Dean ends up living Jensen's life, dealing with a new relationship with Jared and a dangerous secret from Jensen's past.*

High School AU Verse by annella - Mainly a J2 teacher/student AU, but has a foursome with Sam and Dean as well near the end.

Forever by sweill - AU where Jared is a psychic medium and Dean is his spirit guide.*#

Red As Blood by nova_berry (aka berri_fic, formerly jp_ja) - Dean goes looking for his missing brother and instead he finds a strange teenager named Jared. How are they connected?#

Break My Stride by apreludetoanend - Jared starts having these odd dreams. Heartwrenching.#

Sauce For The Gander by ciaan - This story is about one thing only: fucking.*

Switch by huntress69 - Universe switching, universe joining, lots of relationships, and demons.

The Convention by huntress69 - Sam and Dean go to a TV con, where they meet actors who look just like them.

It Is You (I Have Loved) by kiraynn - Jared has a crush on Dean, a character in his favorite book series, which turns out to be a bit more than he thought.*

Where to check for more:
My Jared and Dean memories, where I store fic until I update the post
Supernaturally Twisted
Big Damn SPN RPS AU List
SuperWiki crossovers section
Dean/Jared tag on
Jared/Dean tag on
supernatural_fic on
search the spnnewsletter
Dean/Jared tag on sn_slash

~List posted December 28, 2006~
~Big update January 26, 2008~
~Last small update March 9, 2008~

fic, crossoververse, supernatural, recs, rpf

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