No Comment (2/?)

Apr 11, 2011 09:14

Title: No Comment (2/?)
Author: Chwitchety
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Rating: PG so far
Disclaimer: I dont own it, I dont profit from it.
Summary: TBC News Reporter Callie Torres is covering a high profile Court Case. But what is up with the Junior Partner on the Prosecution Team, Arizona Robbins?

A/N: Thanks for the reviews. Much appreciated. I know there are plot holes due to my poor understanding of American law (any knowledge is gained from The Good Wife and the first season of Boston Legal and even then I was barely paying attention to the legalities), but no fear, we are coming up to the stuff you are really here for in the next couple of chapters. :D


Safely inside, and the minute they had made it through the security station, Alex Karev’s professional mask dropped away.

“Ho-ly shit.”

Keeping his tone relatively low, so Webber - in front, leading the way - wouldn’t hear, he turned his head to look at his mentor, still unable to contain his incredulity.

“Is this what it’s always like?”

They were striding through the lavish Courthouse on their way to the Prosecution Conference Room. Arizona Robbins bit down the grin she could feel bubbling to the surface at her intern’s excitement. Remaining serious, she gave an indulgent nod in his direction.

“Come on Karev, let’s keep it professional.”

She heard him scoff slightly, still buzzed from the media energy that had been directed his way. It had only been a few years since she herself had felt the same way on her first major trial, and Arizona was being lenient. Either way, her mind was distracted. The media somehow knew about the Cross information. How much they knew about it was irrelevant to exactly ‘How’ they knew about it in the first place. It had probably been Stevens, the sneaky bastard. But it wasn’t just that, no…




What the hell had she been thinking? One minute she was Arizona Robbins, Top Harvard Graduate and new junior partner at Webber&Grace and the next she was Arizona Robbins, Tongue-Tie and Occasional Mute Extraordinaire. She had stumbled over the one sentence any lawyer said at least one hundred times a day. ‘No comment.’ Was it not enough that she occasionally almost drove off the road when she saw a pretty girl, that now it had to affect her at work as well? She had almost made it into the Courthouse when she had heard the pleasantly-voiced, loaded question. Turning around, with every intention of setting the reporter in their place with her renowned steel-like presence, suddenly all she could see was the shining, soft jet black hair, deep chocolate eyes and the slim yet luxuriously full-figured body. And the lips. Rose-tinged and lush. It was like being fifteen again for a second.

Heck, the beautiful Newswoman probably had it all on tape. One playback. She would take all of one view to spot the ‘Big, Fat Mo’ sign written all over her face and then Arizona’s life as she knew it was over. Finite.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Arizona had had relationships through college, but was never - if you could say - ‘aggressively’ out. The fact she had found so annoying in her younger years - that people would always assume she was straight - had come to be an unexpected benefit for her career. As a young graduate, with a prestigious placement at the famous Webber&Grace firm, it had been made indirectly, but firmly clear to her that knowledge of her being gay, could only be to her detriment. The clients pulled by the prominent firm were often Big Money, Republican, Christian. They got on fine with the patriotic army brat making good in the world of law. They sure as hell didn’t want anything to do with the non-religious, feminist lesbian lawyer who had taken the Roller Derby field by storm in her twenties. No, definitely not. So, as it was, she was never entirely comfortable, but resigned to her closeted trap. She had attended the Annual Webber&Grace Law Review for the past few years with no ‘Plus One’ at her side. She knew people had questions, but the very fact that her ascent through the firm’s ranks was rewardingly fast, cemented her validation in her choice.

It was nobody’s fucking business what she did in her private life, anyway.

And now? One minute of footage and Arizona’s mind was going a million reps per second. She tried to shake off her unease.

Karev nudged her accidentally in his jubilance and jogged her thoughts back to the present.

“Dude, it is like that isn’t it? Ho-ly shit, that was intense. And how did they know about the Cross - ”

“ - Karev,” Chief Barrister Webber cut him off quickly. Alex’s head snapped focus on the back of the advancing Chief, who he hadn’t thought was listening. “You would do well to listen to your ‘Dude’ and keep it professional.”

Somewhat brought back down to earth, Alex looked apologetically at Arizona, while acknowledging Webber. “Yessir.” They had reached the Conference Room and the Chief opened the door and stood waiting for his team to pass through the doorway. As they walked into the classically decorated room with rich red carpet and mahogany furniture, the Chief pushed the door shut behind them, vigorously, garnering their attention.

“I don’t know how they found out about the Cross tape, but they believe what we tell them to believe. They’re pawns. Like I always say, ‘The Media? Fuck’em.’”

Karev laughed the laugh of an underling trying to ingratiate himself with the big dogs as an equal. Arizona’s small acknowledging smile grew into a smirk.

“Set it up, Karev.”

He looked her way and nodded and both men set briefcases on the polished oval table, opening them up and started taking out files. Looking around the room, Arizona noticed a coffee station - a small oasis of dependent love - and her feet, of their own accord, migrated towards it. Glancing back over her shoulder she managed to catch the eye of the Chief. “Anyone for coffee?” The Chief looked back down at his filing, replying with a succinct, “No.” Alex nodded casually, “Black, no sugar.”

Checking to see if the pot was still warm, Arizona idly wondered what type of coffee ‘TBC News’ liked. Milk and sugar, she supposed. And they would drink it on Sunday morning, lying comfortably in bed and doing the crossword. Just coffee and those curves. Maybe a little jazz in the background.

Arizona poured scalding liquid onto the hand that was steadying the cup.


Heck, TBC News probably didn’t even drink coffee and maybe, just maybe, she should actually focus on any form of present reality. She shook the now cooling coffee drops off her hand in annoyance.

“…ou okay?”

She snapped around.

“Sorry, what?”

“Are. You. Okay?” Chief Webber sounded the words slowly. Blushing slightly, Arizona nodded curtly and slipped back into shark mode. She carried the two cups of java back over and took her seat at the table, handing one of them to Alex. Chief Webber was still watching her closely.

“Alright,” - finally, his eyes left her - “Let’s get started. We have fifteen minutes so let’s just run through it one more time.” He looked expectantly at Alex over his glasses. Realising he was being called upon, Karev shuffled through his notes and selected the paper he was looking for.

“David Cross, elected official - stolen ten grand. During Opening Address, need to touch on the responsibility and duty of those elected. Mentioning the word ‘corruption’ as often as possible and avoid any reference to the gay aspect, because that is where the Defense is going to make their case. We are going to cut this case down to the basics that this guy has abused his power and stolen the cash.” The Chief narrowed his eyes in approval, “Good. Good. And don’t fall into the trap of the histrionics surrounding all that gay marriage deal.”

Arizona’s eye twitched.

Webber was the most set in his ways of the two major partners. His barbed homophobic comments had been frequent and intolerable, but this was not a time to fight back in a righteous rage. Poised, with her recently acquired promotion to Junior Partner, it would only be a couple of years before she could have her cake and eat it too.

Until then, she was biding her time and her involuntary eye-twitch was the only thing betraying her feelings on the subject.

Mentally shaking it off, Arizona took a sip of gloriously piping caffeine. “Sir, any additions to our plan regarding the tape?”

The Chief sighed, resigned. “No, just stick to the written contract and emphasize the fact that whatever the case, he was still in the wrong. Do not in any way imply he could have been in the right. Either way, we’re just going to have to play it by ear.”

A knock on the door interrupted them and was followed by a head peering through. “You have two minutes.”

The Chief nodded, “Thank you.” Both men stood as they collected their files and placed them back into the briefcases. Arizona stared at the remaining coffee swilling in her mug. It was an enticing milky caramel colour.


She looked up at the briefcase Alex was pushing across the table towards her. Standing up, she swigged the remainder of her drink and grasped the handle of the case.

Arizona pushed any and all thoughts of smooth, coffee caramel skin out of her mind.

The Chief turned before they walked out the door. “You are Webber&Grace associates. You are the smartest minds in the country. And we win. We are winners. So, let’s get this right.” He looked sternly at Karev. “You won’t get a better education than this. Remember who you are.” Breaking eye contact, he reached for the door handle. “Let’s do this.”

Alex puffed his chest out subtly.

Arizona rolled her eyes.

It was time.

fanfiction, callie/arizona

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