Mar 05, 2007 14:13
My company has two job openings at the moment.
One is for a Network Administrator/Regulatory person, who would be responsible for basic tech services, buying new hardware, troubleshooting problems, and making sure that all of our permits and licenses are up to date. Its essentially two part-time jobs. They want someone who's very familiar with computers and very organized, pay as-yet-undetermined, but probably around $45,000/yr, with pretty damn good health insurance.
The other is for an organic chemist, its an R+D position in a lab, under one other chemist. The job basically consists of looking at all of the things we make and trying to make them faster/better/cheaper, and trying out new procedures that we're considering developing. Don't know about pay for this one yet, but most likely somewhat higher than the other.
We are a very small chemical company, lots of characters, everything is kind of old, and the air usually smells like cherry candy. If you can't deal with weird smells, or odd noises, you don't want to work here. However, Newark is really close to New York, the housing isn't too expensive, the job is always changing when new things go wrong, or we decide to completely overhaul a process, and our health plan includes chiropractic and mental health care.
So if anyone knows anyone looking for a job who wouldn't mind working on Doremus Ave in Newark, have them contact me either by email at ramonadotkistler at gmail, or my work phone 973-344-8014 ext. 105