[Potato][May 2008] Yamashita Shoon - That's the way.

May 23, 2008 20:38

Shoon amuses me. |D I really want to see Full House.

scan from shoonie

Yamashita Shoon
That's the way.

About his days as a child, in elementary school and junior high school, we will make him look back at those times. From the now cool Shoon that is far away, his mischievous side is...!? He will talk about the play that will start on the month of May, 『Full House』, too!

What did you like when you were little?
Me, I was a kid who liked batteries. (laugh)
Children's toys generally run on batteries, right? So, if the batteries wore out I thought it would be troublesome so I kept on stocking up on them in my house and I slowly came to like it ne. So people usually told me 「You'll be selling batteries in the future」 (laugh) But when I look back at it, I thought 「I don't want to be a battery seller!」... That's what children really seem to think about ne. (laugh)

What were you scared of when you were little?
I don't think I was scared of anything in particular. I guess you could say I didn't know what fear was, I was invincible ne. (laugh) When I look at old photographs, I'd run past signs that say 「No Entry」 with all my energy... that's just it. My parents would stop me but I was a boy who'd shake free and instantly run off to some place. I was probably not scared of ghosts at all. I'm very scared of them now although I'm in college ne. (laugh)

Memories of your time in elementary school
Me, I was in charge of raising the animals during my elementary days. And when I'd look after chickens, I'd casually think 「It can't fly, can it」 when I space out there are times when I'd let go of it all of a sudden. (laugh) Maa, even though it consequentially was able to fly, at that moment I thought it was dangerous ne. I didn't think it would land. (laugh) I also liked bikes, so I always go out cycling. I was naughty na-

What sprouted when you were in junior high
The way I had fun changed a lot since I entered junior high ne. I went karaoke-ing and bowling a lot. This was also the time my taste in fashion sprouted. But, when I look back at it now I'd only buy clothes with designs that would make people think 「What is that」 They were in no other color but red. (laugh) Even though what I bought was trouble for me, it was awful... But maa, I'll really study that ne.

What you're excited about for the play, 『Full House』
「I haven't done plays in a long time!」 I felt a very happy feeling like that. But I'm not new to the stage and it's always like the play is random talk, this is my first comedy, so I feel a lot of pressure. The character I play as, Saraga Riamu, is a modern boy. My role, while asking a lot of questions, is realizing what is important to him, I want to present that. Right now, if the audience can familiarize themselves with a worrying person whose motive is to become positive, I'd be happy.

Seriously unbeta-ed. Corrections are appreciated.

jrs: yamashita shoon, magazines: potato

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