[Myojo][Aug 2008] Inoo Kei x Yaotome Hikaru - Hey! Say! MAP

Jun 21, 2008 22:03

I had to translate this, because it's Inoo! And Hikaru! Inoo and Hikaru! Shut up! On another note, five months after its launch, chuushite has more than 100 members~ Okay okay, I forgot to point it out two weeks before, but oh wellll. Thanks, you guys! ♥ Expect something big soon. Anyway.

scans by happy town

Hey! Say! MAP
Meet All Partners

Combination 4
Kei Inoo x Hikaru Yaotome

Hey! Say! JUMP members will continue to talk with one team every month. We made the members of the fourth team's talk, Inoo & Hikaru, talk about the
emoji as their theme. Reaching for the achievement of all combinations (45 all in all!) let's move forward!!

This month's emoji theme→

The combination for this conversation is marked with a ★ on the left.
(This month, Inoo & Yaotome's conversation→¨where "i" and "ya" intersect is marked with a ★!)

The announcement of this combi's name!!
The Einaruzu
(the einaruzu ≠ the anals, y'know, just saying)
"Ei" is for "hurray", "Naru" is for "narcissist" 「We are spur of the moment narcissists. This is our gazing at the world pose ne.」 (Yaotome)

Yaotome's exposition! Inoo is a boy that doesn't rush?
Inoo N? Do cellphones even have that emoji in the first place?
Yaotome They do! I use it often. When I feel like I'm running late for an appointment, I mail my friends, "Um
I'll be there in __ minutes"
Inoo Heeh~. I don't use emoji that much, na-. If I think about it, I probably don't use any other than
Yaotome Anyway, even when Inoo-chan looks like he's late for an appointment, he's never in a hurry. A little while back, when we had to meet at the station to go to work, before I arrived, I thought you were waiting at the platform and left even though it looked as if the train was just about to come, Inoo-chan, you came carrying yourself with elegance, weren't you?
Inoo No! You thought I came looking composed? Actually, until I was in Hikaru-kun's line of sight I was really, really dashing.
Yaotome Really? (doubtful look) Was Inoo-chan seriously running to begin with?
Inoo Before that, when I planned how much time I would take a bath, I was super-rushing! With a "よーいドン!" I ran from my room to the bathroom with my underwear on, I pushed the hot water switch with great force, and while I was waiting for warm water from the shower, I prepared my towel and toothbrush and... yeah. The result is 2 minutes and 45 seconds! It's my own new record!!
Yaotome That's a lie, isn't it? Because, when we talk, you usually lie. Because a while back too, I asked you 「Is school fun?」 and you replied with 「No, it's not fun at all. I don't have any friends...」 I thought it was true, I was worried!
Inoo ...I'm sorry. (laugh) But I lie because I want to make Hikaru-kun care about me! Because, when we're on the train on the way home, even though I tell you 「Today, at school! When I was eating lunch!!」 with a smile, you'd start listening to music all of a sudden... (grows timid)
Yaotome I'm "my pace". Surprisingly, I'm not good at talking to others. If I am spoken to, I'll explode from making myself understood.
(my pace/maipeesu = someone who goes at his/her own pace. Also, I am having trouble with the last sentence.)
Inoo So talk to me!
Yaotome I'm "my pace" so I didn't notice that. Even though we were on a train, going home, sitting right next to each other, talking. (laugh)
Inoo It's okay, it's okay. After all, listening to music is more fun than talking to me, isn't it... (grows timid again)
To run great distances across the country, burn ___!?
Inoo My best time for 50m is, ne, e-tto, 4 seconds...
Yaotome That's impossible!
Inoo That's a lie, a lie, it's 8 seconds for the first half. But, if it was Hikaru-kun, if he seriously goes for it, his time will be around 4 seconds.
Yaotome It's true, even now I get nothing but first place in races at sports meets! But I'm actually on the long distance team ne-. If it was 50m, maybe it would take me 7 seconds for the last half.
Inoo That's what you think, but running long distances, what's fun about it?
Yaotome Running is fun in itself. Even when it rains, I run without using an umbrella.
Inoo Uwa~ amazing.
Yaotome Ma, but we're talking about inside the gym.
Inoo You don't need an umbrella there! (laugh)
Yaotome Even though I don't use umbrellas, when I go to the gym, I run 5km, on the machine, I run another 5 km, so I run around a total of 10km.
Inoo I hate running... at sports meets too, I think I haven't even gotten first place once. That's because when it's my turn to run, I'm just a person who is unexpectedly slow among everyone. Hey hey, what do you do to run long distances?
(I'm having trouble with 「…たまたま周りが遅いコばっかりだったからだし。」)
Yaotome For me to run again, I burn up one memory in me, that fuels me like gasoline and makes me run.
Inoo Jaa, so in order to make Hikaru-kun run in today's photoshoot, you used up one memory?
Yaotome Yeah. One time, I used up the memory of Yabu at the amusement park not riding the roller coaster and crying. ...you'll see eventually! (laugh)

Let's take pictures!
(Inoo's) I LOVE WALL♡
(Hikaru's) Yaotome Hikaru's solo single's jacket draft (yeah right)

The Einaruzu challenge
Q The pictures below are Inoo and Yaotome's feet. Each will give a hint on their own feet. Which of these pictures is of whose feet? Please answer.
A 「Now, for the photoshoot, I took off my socks, so it has a lot of sock fiber on it (laugh)」
B 「My toes are long! And my index toe has a mole... did you know?」
The answer will be in next month's publication! .....answers for July→A: Chinen, B: Okamoto

Do not repost. Unbeta'd. Corrections are appreciated. ♥

jump: yaotome hikaru, magazines: myojo, jump: inoo kei, @artist: hey!say!jump

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