Jun 19, 2009 23:07
- 01:02 @ spainified DA DA DAH DAAAAH JUNPEI HAS LEVELED UP. #
- 02:10 Baaaaw I just beat Sally's Spa on my ipod ;A; #
- 02:41 I can't sleep. #
- 03:41 My eyes hurt now because I was trying to play with makeup and failed |D #
- 04:58 Oh looook. It's starting to get less dark outside. Sleep, plz? I have work in 12 hours, dammit. #
- 18:04 Its incredible slow today. #
- 20:15 I hate when people interupt me just as I'm about to give them the total...just to ask for the total. #
- 20:30 Lol I just got some texts that were meant for someone named Ladarius..wtf #
We are
l i v i n g our lives.