Really fun Saturday = Really long post!

Jan 07, 2007 14:31

Saturday was the awesome kind of day I've been waiting for. Mom woke me up at 8:50 by calling me asking if she could pick me up in ten minutes. I sleepily replied no, which gave me the burden of finding my own way home.

Artsy Photo Shoot-I got ready and put on some formal clothes at nine for Scott's artsy photo shoot. Scott and I headed over to Calaya's room to pick out her makeup, outfit, etc. It took ages, but eventually Scott and Cayala's roommate, Allison were satisfied.

The four of us walked downtown, got some duct tape, and started taking pictures downtown. Scott would draw mouths on duct tape and then cover our own mouths with the tape. It made for some pretty interesting pictures. I didn't really like Scott's style of photography at first, but he wound up taking a lot of great shots. We took some in the downtown furniture shop where the woman working there exclaimed, "What are you doing? Why are you putting those on your mouths??". She was funny, though, and nice for letting us use her store. Afterward, we walked to the train station to take pictures there, as I had to catch a 12:30 train. Rhea and Julie joined us. It wound up that my train wasn't coming until 1:30, so we had plenty of extra time. Scott took interesting pictures with the word "F*ck" on our duct taped lips, "Help us we're in Hell" broken up and written across our duct taped faces, and shots of Calaya clutching my leg as I left her for the train. There was even one with Calaya crying a little duct tape tear.

Geneva Commons-At one thirty I caught my train and rode to Aurora. Becka picked me up in her Dad's big, tealish minivan. We called Ian who was interested in doing something and picked him up at his house. The three of us went to Borders and the Geneva Commons. I picked up my calligraphy book (I still need a pen, though...) at the former. At the Commons we checked out a couple different stores. I went to the Gap and searched in vein for a medium of the red sweatshirt I'd wanted. I ended up having them reserve it at Fox Valley Mall. We were all having fun with Becka, but her mood seemed to change at H&M. We had trouble deciding what to do, as she had to have the car back at five, so we picked up Merika in Geneva and went to Ian's where he was possibly going to follow Becka to her house in N. Aurora so we could switch to Ian's car. Instead, we said goodbye to Becka. She had a headache, but I don't think that was it. She was quiet and seemed pensive, so I hope things were alright.

Fox Valley Mall-At Ian's we ate really good macaroni and cheese while making plans to see Children of Men with Hector. I remarked that it was strange that Merika and Mike, the usual single ones in our group (well, for that matter all of us but Ian were usually the single ones) were in relationships, while Ian was single. Ian answered that he liked being single and could definitely try harder to get a relationship if he wanted to. For me, though, I want this single life to be over. We decided on the 9:15 movie. Before that started, Merika and I would hang out at the Fox Valley Mall. I drove from my house. At the mall I picked up that sweatshirt (only close me 2.57 after my 8 dollar gift card!!), I also wound up buying a cool brown shirt for 30 dollars. I knew I shouldn't have spent the money, but...hmmm, I guess have no excuse for that purchase. Merika bought cool owl earrings that she said she would wear as a teacher. After some attempted Japanese translations of Express t-shirts, and some more walking around, we headed back.

Meeting Hector-We got the movie theater a little late, but Ian was still waiting for us. We had devised a plan to pretend to be each other, but it pretty much fell flat. Plus, Hector was late (he'd gone to a more northern theater on Randall). Children of Men was a good film. I was surprised at how simple it was. I thought it'd have deep back-stories to the plot, as was the case with V for Vendetta, but it turned out to be an interesting chase movie. It went by quickly too. Anyway, I recommend it. It was very exciting and had an interesting idea to it. We said hello (briefly) to Sarah Kessich after the movie, and goodbye to Ian. Hector and Merika then followed my car to my house. I wasn't sure if it was them following me because of the fogged up back window, so I turned into the cemetery to see if they'd follow. Of course, they did. Back at my house we talked for a good hour and half. We were also waiting for Mike to come back from clubbing so Hector could meet him.

Hector seemed like a nice guy. Merika was curious if she acted one way around her boyfriend and another way around her friends, but that wasn't the case. We both agreed she was acting normally. Hector was a little quiet, but seemed cool. He and Merika were cute together. He even wants to take me on a motorcycle ride. Wooh!!

The Sleepover-I waited forever after they left for Mike to show up. I figured he's be there by two, but I wound up doodling until 2:40 ish. Finally, I came up top. Mike was there with a voice that sounded like a frog. Johnny was with him. His gas tank was on E, so we nervously drove across the river to Cassie's. Cristin, Julian, and Nicole were already there. We basically just ate junk food, were forced to watch Burnadette Peters performances (I swear, Cassie is just as into BP as she ever was into Madonna), talked, played with Cassie's dog, slept (barely), and watched some lousy horror movie called Pulse. It was worth staying up. I had a good time. My body embarrassingly spasmed itself awake at one point when sleeping next to Johnny during the movie. That is such an uncomfortable feeling!

We woke up insanely early. Mike drove me home during dawn. We were really afraid that we wouldn't make it to the gas station, but we were lucky. I said goodbye to Mike at eight something, chatted with Mom a bit, and went to bed. At eleven she picked me up and drove me back to NCC. All in all, it was one awesome Saturday!

mall, sleepover, photography, becka, movies, artsy, hector

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