John the Revelator

Nov 28, 2006 07:36

Saturday- Paul, Mike, Miles, and I headed over in Paul's car to the Arcada to see 6th position perform. We sat in front of Ashley and her boyfriend. It was nice to see her again. We were worried that we'd be late, but we watched the crazy horn family from last year, a man sing a song named "courage" from the musical he was writing based on the Scopes Monkey Trial, a duet by the same guy and his daughter all before Sixth Position came on. Their first number was inspired by ice-skating and the girls were dressed in Miss Dana and her sister's old, flashy, very tacky, flamboyant ice-skating outfits. Oh, except for Sabrina who had a dull blue, tasteful, outfit on. The second number was between Sabrina and Mary, I think. They wore pajamas, surprisingly. All of the numbers except for the last number had silent intros and exits. I kind of liked it. The third number was my favorite. It was done to "John the Revelator" by Depeche Mode. The girls dressed in red tops (except for Aimee who was in purple), black shorts, and black tights. The theme of the song was silence, so there was lots of eye, ear, and mouth-covering going on. The fourth song was pretty cool too. The girls all wore dresses. My favorite part was when they sat on the ground kind of pouting and glaring.

Ashley had to leave early, but Paul, Mike, Miles, and I met Aimee and Sabrina in the lobby. Prior to that, we all did some exploring on the second and third floors of the Arcada. It's such a cool, old, theater. I would've loved to be athe Arcada 80 years ago in the 1920's to see a Vaudeville show.

Paul drove us home after the show, though I wanted to go to Starbucks. Mike had to work, so that took priority. I didn't really do much at home until Paul picked Miles and I up (with Aimee in tow) to go to Jade's birthday party. I felt crumby for not getting her anything, but I had a good time. There were cool people there like Natalie, but Bobby never showed up. The party fizzled out towards the end as it sort of split into two groups (the living room and the kitchen). I was annoyed by Paul the whole time, as he just talked about himself the whole time. The more I hang out with Paul these days, the more I wonder how we're still friends. We just don't have anything in common anymore, and his attitude is so irksome...I feel bad losing a friend of 12 years, but I see no reason to keep it going.

Sunday-Sunday was a drag. We decided not to film the special Christmas episode of the show, so I had nothing to do all day. That night, MIles and I headed out to NCC. I got a little lost on the way, but whatever. We hung out for a bit in Chariie's room in Seager, and I showed Miles Alex's awesome room and Shannon's room. Before meeting Melissa I gave Miles a tour of campus, but I don't think h was very impressed. We spent some time with Melissa at Noodles and Co. and in her dorm. We also hung out at WONC from 7:30 to 10:00 while Melissa had her "A Sides" shift.

party, dance

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