(no subject)

Jun 04, 2006 12:36

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday- Basically, I worked, got sick (I'm still sick), frantically finished final projects, took finals, and fell asleep and missed a surprise birthday party.

Friday- I went to the senior breakfast, which was nice. I sat with Mike, Merika, Miles, Melissa, and others. We then all went to the gym and sat through the very long graduation rehearsal. I sat between the ever-negative Nick G. Johnson and Devin Jones. All they did was complain, complain, complain. Many names had to be corrected, but some were still mispronounced that night (poor Oom), as were some new ones (Schenk is not pronounced "Schnek). After rehearsal, I got together with Mike, Merika, and Miles. Miles and I first hung around Mike's house, ate yogurt, and played with Maggie and Graeme (or however the Woods spell it). Merika came over after getting cleaned up, which took longer than expected. We then headed for my house where I got my wallet and bank book. We ate lunch at Merika's and then Boku wa otearai ni sunde iru toki ni Merika to Maiku to Mairusu ga seijin no video o mimashita. Boku wa miru koto o nage ni otearai ni ishiki-teki ni ikimashita. Minna wa video ga chou gehin da to imashita. Later, I went to the bank and asked for a Sacagawea (sp?). The woman had trouble finding/identifying one but eventually did. After a brief stop off at Zanos for Merika, we went to Geneva Commons and did a bit of speed shopping. We all looked for flip flops for me, but found nothing. All of the sandals were SO LAME! The gap had blank colors and blank colors with two different colored racing strips. All other stores had brown or black colored sandals. How boring! I just don't get why clothing stores would settle for such uncreative footware. I mean, brown?! Anyway...we need an edgier clothing store around here like H&M, Express for Men, or Urban Outfitters. They're more artsy.

So, it was off to Mom's, then Dad's, then the high school. I forgot my chords in all of the rushing!! Graduation went like the rehearsal, but with more people, speeches, and less talking. It was nice to see Mrs. Blozis, Miss Ramsay, and Ms. Schindlebeck. They all congratulated me. C.J. gave a great speech involving an anecdote about a clown named Uh-Oh which turned out to be his mom. He had the "be someone", "get out there and do something in the world" message that is so appropriate at graduation. Joanne, Jessica Carlino, and Dr. Lebin also gave speeches. Dr. Lebin's was long and a tad quote heavy, but good.

I managed to clap for most everyone who graduated. I felt like everyone should get some sort of applause. The funny thing is, though, that when I was up there I couldn't even here how much applause I got because I was concentrating so much on doing everything right. I shook the hands of Mr. Link (School Board Pres.)...and some other more elderly gentleman... All in all it was a wonderful and memorable ceremony. I remembered to switch my tassel and only got hit with two hats!

I got my diploma and a checking advertisement from some bank (weird) and then met up with Jason, Nick, and Mom. We took pictures, I chatted a bit with Megan Millen, and then met Jamie Antonick's famed siblings. I walked to Pitts St. and was driven home by Dad. Miles and I changed and then went to Alison Poulis' house. The party was okay. I wasn't having any fun, though, and left early.

Saturday I woke up early, studied for Japanese, and went to lessons. We did a lot of reading. I read surprisingly well. I was proud of myself. It's so hard to read and comprehend simultaneously, though! I totally don't have a good accent when I read either. It's hard enough to just read it. Toward the end we started to learn some new grammar, which doesn't translate well into English, but end the lesson, as it was late. Dad picked me up, and we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa's. We helped unpack and move things for about an hour and a half. I then went home, ate lunch, and was off to Ian's.

Ian's was fun. Emily C. was there!! I was so excited! We talked a lot. I talked to Nancy and Merika a lot too. We watched a slid eshow if Ian growing up and a video of Ian's cousin skydiving. At five, Merika and I checked out Tom's party for a half an hour. He was looking hot. I then went home to Dad's for two and half hours. Connie was over. Dinner was tasty. Miles left without me, as I was going to try to rustle up some plans. I telephoned him, he returned, we got Merika, and headed for Colleen's. Her party was fun. A lot of Congregational church members were there. I really do miss that church. Her party was fun. We played bocce ball, lost a dark green one in a dark green garden bed, sat around a bonfire on the deck, and attempted to play some failed night games.

Eventually, when everyone was singing "Bohemian Rhapsody" I grew bored and irked, so I left. I headed over to to Paul's house via Mrs. Hampton. Sam, Aimee, Paul, and Nancy was there. I grew incredibly bored and left soon after I arrived. So, I went home and fell asleep with my contacts in.

party, graduation

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