Update: last monday

May 29, 2006 11:52

Alright, here goes.

Monday- I went to the woodfield mall around eleven with Mike, Miles, and Merika (the super group). We listened to Dane Cook in the car, which was funny. We were at the mall for a couple hours. The first store we went into, Urban Outfitters, was very hip and cool, but Miles and Mike didn't really care for it. They had cool zip down hoodies and vans. From there we went to a bunch of other clothing stores, some cool, some not. I found Abercombie and Ruehl to have very lame clothes. Ruehl was laid out well, though. It was set up like a house and had balconies, stairs, photographs in picture frames, and a bed. It was big and kind of labrynthine too. We checked out H&M, but it wasn't as cool as the one in Fox Valley. We ate lunch at McDonalds, which was more expensive then the ones around here. All in all, I bought nothing, Miles reinforced his distaste for the Woodfield Mall, Merika bought some on sale clothes, and Mike blew forty dollars on shorts. As we drove home, it began raining very heavily, and Merika, who was driving, was scared.

We got home around five. Miles and I visited Grandma and Grandpa with Dad. They were in a temporary apartment. It was strange to see them so close to home, though. I'm going to miss going to Lincoln to see them!

Afteward, I went to a cookout at Connie's house. It was fun. I met some friends of hers. Her napkins smelled strangely like Ian's house, though. I got home, worked on my final projects like crazy, and fell asleep withouth anything completed.

grandparents, outing

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