"So, what color is my hair?" and later "Um...clubbing?"

Apr 09, 2006 11:53

Art show-So, woke up really early on Saturday morning at 7:05. I only got four and a quarter hours of sleep! I immediately started finishing up my art project. I stuck all the polaroids to the paint-splattered mat and then went to work on dying my hair. It was really messy and kept being afraid that my skin would be died along with my hair, but it worked out. Deep red violet, the exact hair color I wanted. I was happy about that. Merika called me at nine-ish saying she was at the top of the hill, but I told her I wasn't ready and that she should come back. In the meantime, I typed up my artist statement and recorded my "What is he thinking" part of the art piece. Merika came as I was burning the CD, and we were soon off to the school.

We arrived an hour late, but it was fine. Miss Ramsay said "You're fired" to me...again for being late to art club stuff. I walked around the art pieces and were impressed with many of them. Sam Hoffmeister's stuff was amazing, as were Kirstin Pufahls and Kristen Hilty's, though in different ways. Olivia had a piece about urban sprawl that I really liked the meaning of. Doug Gabriel had a giant piece that used huge sheets with earth symbols on them hung on a tent frame. 'twas crazy. There were many more pieces that I could go on about (like the ice cream bikini or super realistic oil pastel portrait) but that would take forever. The musical was practicing as we set up, and their choreography was quite cheesy and funny to watch. I set up my piece, but was nervous at first to perform it. I stood in my insane outfit
atop the mat I mentioned earlier, which had Polaroids of me doing bad things (arguing, smashing a window, kicking a dog, etc.) and I would try to look happy/smug when people weren't around but would cover my face and turn away from people when they came close. The CD was freaky, but complimented it well. It was hard work standing up their for long period of time, especially when people just were talking near me because they were close enough that I had to keep shying away for long stretches of time. I took breaks about every half an hour, but from 2 o'clock until the end of the show I only took a five minute break (ugh). It was one of the only pieces I've been completely satisfied with. I really enjoyed having something so deep.

The judges were one of Miss Ramsey's friends who was a graphic designer, knew a good deal about photography, and...well he worked in another different field in addition to graphic design...There was also a professor at Northern who "had a fine arts twist" as Miss Ramsay put it, and knew a lot about another media. The pure photography judge couldn't make it, but Miss Ramsay pretended like she was there anyway...(her baby had "the croup"). Best technique was awarded to Sam Hoffmeister for a wonderfully realistic charcoal piece of people walking down steps of a building in the city. Amy Karabowicz got "best craftsmanship" for her flawless sculpture of a woman emerging from stone, entitled "Heart of Woman". I thought I had a shot at most creative, but it went to a junior's ice cream swimsuit piece (which was strangely enough, not our only swimsuit piece with food on it). Best artist statement went to Doug's collage piece called "White wash", which was very deep and complex. It had something to do with humanity's inherent trait of messiness, but he didn't look at that in a negative sense. He then also took best in show for the same piece. It was a great show overall. I really enjoyed it. The art club members are a lot of fun, and I love being in such a mutually creative environment. Plus the food was good ;-)

Fun with Aimee I went home, changed and tried to regain a semblance of normality, as I took out my fake earring, styled my hair (it was in an emo droop across my brow), took off the purple eyeliner, the grungy arm bands, and sleeveless, cut up jacket. I called Aimee and she picked me up. She picked me up and we talked about "super toppings" and the complications involving Alice, Ben, and Sarah (still code). I thought Aimee would be really upset, but she seemed alright. We kind of brainstormed about the whole thing. I returned to her house and ate burgers, then retired to her basement to watch the Orchesis video. I was disapointed that I hadn't gone, as many of the numbers were really cool. Kristen G. Sabrina, and Nicole (Melanie's little sister) had a really cool number. Aimee had a tap solo and Sabrina had a tap duet with Aimee, both of which were very good, creative, and contained much variety. Natalie was in a group number that used their numbers well in that they had many different formations. There was also a flirty group of girls that seemed to have six hip, thrust, or flirt related moves that they kept cycling through. They were funny. It was a great show overall. They even forced Aimee to do hip hop! I left soon after. Aimee dropped me off and picked up Miles to go see Nancy's play: "Sizzle". I called around to try to make plans and eventually, Ian and Kayla came over to pick me up to go to Ragamuffin.

Clubbing Tom called right before they got there and said that clubbing would work out for me because Alison could take me home. I rushed to change, get money, and grab my license, and felt bad that I was now basically using Kayla and Ian for a ride, as they had come over to go out with me but were now just taking me to Tom's. I got to Tom's a little later and sat around waiting for Cristin to show up and for Tom to finalize things with a couple other people. Keith was there, as was Autumn, Alison, and a guy I vaguely remember seeing before named Johnny. He was very nice and seemed like a good guy. Cristin came, and we set off. I rode with Alison, Keith drove alone (though no one could figure out how that made sense), and everyone else was with Tom. Alison had good music and was a careful driver because she had gotten a speeding ticket before. I felt safe with her. Unfortunately, because of her adherence to the speed limit, we were fall behind Keith and Tom at times, and they'd have to pull over to the shoulder and wait for us to catch up. On the way there and back to the club that happened about four times. We got to Elgin, after a brief stop at a gas station for directions and parked in a parking garage. We got out and found out that Cristin had forgotten her I.D. Tom was a little harsh and stressed after that, and we talked about what to do. A police car kept circling and eventually told us that we couldn't loiter there any longer. We decided to give up clubbing and return to Tom's, instead of the more favorable plan of having the people who had to leave the club early (Alison, Johnny, and I) go in right away and have the people who were staying much later (Keith, Tom, Cristin, and Autumn) go get Cristin's I.D. and come back. Tom didn't want us to split up though (darn). We drove back to Batavia, went to Steak and Shake, where I ordered soup and was surprisingly hungry...and tired. Alison drove me home after a half an hour, or so, and I crashed.

prom, art, clubbing

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