
Apr 07, 2006 11:59

Today was a good day. I stayed up forever last night and worked on my art project, so I was tired. I was late to school, but was greeted by Aubrey, Nancy, Natalie, etc. all heading off to the Literary Festival (Lit. Fest.) at Geneva High School. We crammed into the bus (Nancy, Aubrey, and I all shared a seat) and were off. We got there and headed for the auditorium. It was very steep and pretty large, but with a very low stage. The judges were introduced by a Genevan teacher and then the poet lauriet of Milwaukee gave a speech. She read three hilarious poems, one about her annoyance with being told to do monthly breast cancer examinations on herself. There was some line about, "My hands twitched, restless in my lap, never approaching the booby trap). She had another one about a Zuchini where she drew on its characteristic of taking over gardens to a mob member (the zuchini) being interrogated by a cop. It was very clever. After the introductions were over, we (the 300 or so students) set off for different rooms with different workshops. On the way, I met Maddie's boyfriend who I recognized from the internet, though I had forgotten that I'd met him once before at a park in STC last summer. He seemed Maddie-ish and nice. I went to drama with Natalie, Nancy, and Aubrey, where I got to act with a girl for a couple pages. It was fun! The drama judge was Nancy's director in her current play. He was old, but fun and good-natured. Next I went to the personal narrative workshop where I sat behind and talked to Ashley Tracey and talked to some girls from Sycamore. For the workshop, we had to come up with a good character's crime, why he committed it, what was in his pocket, and what he did afterword. My character burned down a speed-dating service because he was romantically frustrated, had a crumpled, unsent letter in his pocket, and returned home to hatch a master plan to repeat and expand on his crime while seeming the same to the outside world. That workshop eventually ended and we went back to the auditorium for awards, which took about an hour. The judges would choose 1-3 critic's choice awards (Aubrey got one for her dramatice scene, Paul Cofer got one for poetry), about 6-8 people for 1st prize, and increasingly so for 2nd, 3rd, and honorable mention. I sat in between Ashley Tracey and talked to her about college and Nancy. They both placed well, and I won an honorable mention for my personal essay "My Only Date". I'm so happy! It came wtih a purprle ribbon and a little certificate. After the awards were over, we filed out and onto our cramped bus. We drove to Portillo's, but as we drove there, to our dismay, the bus in front of us started turning the same way. It turned out that they (Plainfield Central) were also going to Portillo's! So, we stopped our bus in the street and jumped out to try to beat them, but of course they did the same. I talked briefly to a girl whose name I found out later was Molly. I asked her if she were going to the Plainfield musical that night and if she knew Joel. Her answers were "no" and "yeah. I used to drive him to school". I got a cheese and beef croissant that was soggy with grease (just a tad gross). I sat with Natalie, Nancy, and Mitch. Towards the end of lunch, we got our submissions back with comments from the judges. I got 68/75 on mine and the judge liked my tone and what I did with the story (as I could have easily made it negative). So, I was pleased! We got back to the school, and I got my stuff and walked around with Aubrey.

After school, I went down to BATV and got my stuff for filming the arts walk. I then walked home with Ian and ran errands with him. We went to the bank, Claire's where I bought fake earings, and Michae's where I bought paint. We returned home and Ian took pictures of me doing different negative things: "kicking" Lucy, argueing with Mom, ripping up flowers, staying up late, etc. It was for my art project, and Ian seemed to enjoy polaroid. The pictures turned out well.

I started working on my art piece after Ian left, but realized I didn't have time. Mom dropped me off near Lane Allen to film the Arts Walk. I walked to EmmTek where I found out that Ispirare (a stop that I hadn't anticipated was part of the walk that month). I tried to film, but BATV had given me a bum battery. I had to plug in the camera and them filmed the vague watercolor landscapes, while asking questions of the white-haired artists, who I've met twice before during the Arts Walk. I then went to Lane Allen after charging the battery somewhat, but it died again. So, I went to the playhouse, but couldn't film. I didn't even have time to look at the exhibit of Sam Hoffmeister and Lenny Gilmore, unfortunately. I rushed upstairs to interview Julane for my broadcasting project, and she offered eloquent answers to my questions about Batavia's downtown.

From there I hurried to the library, where I was twenty minutes late for Bekkah to pick me up. Fortunately, she was still there (phew). We drove to Plainfield, which took a while. It was nice to be in a new (to me) car, and it was a coup to boot. I had a nice time riding with and talking to Bekkah; It was just like work. Once we arrived in downtown Plainfield, we got horribly lost and had to call Joel's house for directions. I spoke with his pastor's mother and she gave us directions which slightly differed from the ones Joel had given us. After a few more wrong turns, we made it to the high school at near 8:00 (the play began at 7:30). Bekkah and I slipped in the back of the auditorium, and didn't have to pay. The show was "Into the Woods" and didn't seem as well done at first as the one BHS did Freshmen year. Once prince could get pretty flat at times. Bekkah and I met up with Joel at the intermission, and Bekkah tried to leave a message on her friend's phone. We sat next to Joel for the second half in the front row. The play was much more enjoyable from then on, as I could see all of the facial features. The show ended, Joel congradulated many of his friends, and we were off for Chiles. It was 10:30 and I still hadn't eaten dinner (none of us had). We followed Joel's roaring car and got there in 7 or so minutes. I ordered the fajitas (the pasta was out) and Joel and Bekkah had burgers. We all talked and had a very nice time. I really like Joel. He's just so nice and easy to talk to...I really want to ask him to prom, but I don't want to rush it. I've had such a good time with him both times we've hung out...At 11:30 we left and took Rt.59 to Butterfield, while listening to the radio, chatting, and warming up in Bekkah's toasty car. I love riding in new cars at night. It was very enjoyable. A little after twelve, I was at my doorstep and into the house.

award, hajimemasu, joel

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