My virginal alarm!

Jul 27, 2005 07:12

Monday- My first day of work at Quiznoes. I got to work at eleven and was finished by three. I manned the cash register and, though I made a few mistakes, thought I did alright for my first day. I was really nervous the whole time, though, because I think after being fired from Harners I'm afraid that it will happen again. Mardel and Dennis were nice. Dennis is the mildly elderly manager. Tyrome also works there, though I didn't talk to him as much. He's Mexican American and makes the sandwhiches and speaks some English. He asked me if I spoke any Spanish and I said, "Not really...I speak some Japanese". I didn't get the chance to tell him that bread was "pan" in both languages, though. There's also a Mexican woman who works there, but I didn't talk to her as she doesn't know English. She seemed nice, though. During my shift, I got to see two people I knew, Amber Platt (the girl who seems to be showing up everywhere) and Aubrey Penny. It was nice to see people I knew. They've put me on the schedule for four days a week, with shifts of six hours! That's a twenty-four hour work week! I'm thinking that I will probably work that much for the rest of summer, but I really would like to work just two days a week when school starts. Can't employers ever learn that some people just don't ever like to work a lot?! When I interviewed with Dennis he was happy to find that I didn't do sports because jocks have a lot of scheduling conflicts. I didn't tell him though, that I do plays and am planning to do a ton of extracurriculars this year...I am worried...

I was picked up by Miles because of my botched pick-up plans with my mom. Lauren was there too. Soon after we got home, we decided to go to the library because I wanted to and Lauren kind of did too. We biked there and I got to see Lauren's giant, threatening bike hand cuffs in action. Lauren checked out another Daria movie and I typed "How to kill Lauren in a library" on my book search list. We also talked to Kit, who was volunteering, just as she was finishing up. We road home and then just hung out until I went to Dad's. My movie plans for Tues. or Wed. had failed by then, so I decided to film just some stuff with Lauren on Tuesday. Miles and I hung out at Paul's, joined by Kristi, Ian, and Mike. We talked and played some of "Kirby's Air Ride" of which Kristi wasn't too bad. I did awfully, though. Miles and I walked home, but were picked up on Morton St. by Kristi who was attempting to drive stealthily without her lights on.

We got to the apartment, but couldn't open the inner door. Miles knocked a little and I buzzed repeatedly but to no avail. The buzzer is still broken. This is one of those really good cell phone situations, where we just could have called him, but alas, we have no cell phones. Instead, I walked home to use the telephone to call and wake Dad up. Miles wanted to stay and wait to get in, though I didn't understand why. I got home about twenty minutes later and called him once, but he didn't awaken. Nick suggested that I just drive over and pick up Miles, so I did. I took Nick's car for fun, though I felt like I was driving some huge monster. I picked up Miles and he was REALLY ORNERY about me not trying to call dad more times and yelled and complained and insulted the whole way home. He was mad about not being able to get his vacation bible school script and having to wake up early in the morning to drive there and get it. RIDICULOUS!

Tuesday- Miles apologized in the morning and I hung out and wrote a little bit more of the X-Day script. I called Lauren and she came over so we could film some of our little scenes. I got the camera and everything ready and we set out for the fork in the road off of Brandywine to film a scene between me and her. On the way, Jackie F. drove by, and later Travis (the super annoying soon-to-be sophomore) did too. We were about to film when we noticed the battery was really low (I had assumed it was charged) and had to go back. I recharged it and Merika called and then we shot all of the other scenes we had to do. There were just two though. One was the "possible post sex scene" where the manga just leaves you not knowing if main character and her ex just slept or actually did something. Personally, I think they just slept because not too much focus is put on the scene, where I would assume it would be if something major went down...but I don't know. We dulled down the scene, of course, so it would be less uncomfortable for Lauren and I. We couldn't do the last scene because of the rain. Lauren went home.

I called Mike and set up movie plans with Colleen and Julie Nepperman. I ate dinner and then Mike picked me up and we went over to their house. Miles tagged along. Rasa was there and we had a nice chat. We went down into the basement and watched "Spaceballs", the Star Wars spoof. It was alright. It wasn't really my kind of humor. It was cheesy a lot of times, but some parts were funny. We all laughed a lot at the female C3PO's "virgin alarm". "It's set to go off before you do" is what she said about it. Yogurt (the Yoda spoof) was pretty funny too. Andy Kenny showed up part way. Afterwards, Mike came back to my house, and we tried to set up last-minute sleepover plans, but failed.

Wednesday- Merika and Paul came over and we went swimsuit shopping in Paul's van. Driving was a little scary, just because of the size of the fan, but all went well. We went to Target and Kohl's first to look for swimsuits, but didn't find anything I really liked. We tried to find Mike at Target (we had originally planned to go to his house), but he wasn't at work yet. We stopped by the Commons and I checked out Gap, AE, Aeropostale, and Hollister for swimming trunks. Half of them didn't have any, but I found a really cool pair at Hollister that I has seen there at the beggining of summer. The tag was party ripped off, so I looked at the trunks next to them and they were $34.50! I asked Merika to help me with tax (I had $35) and felt bad buying something so expensive, but we found out that they wre really just $9.90. Very relieving! They really are awesome, I might just have to post a picture of me at the beach with them on. We went to Graham Crackers and I got my new issues. I felt bad buying them, having just gotten a whole tone of comics in the previous weeks, but I knew if I waited then the new issues would dissapeat. That's what sucks about monthly comics, you have to get them every month, no matter what. X(
We came back home and hung out. I stayed up late and packed at midnight.

Japanese word of the day: "Ryoko" or maybe "Ryouko" -travel


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