(no subject)

Jul 26, 2005 10:38

Thursday (cont)- The interview went well. The woman asked some tough questions like "what is a major goal you've had in the past year and how did you go about overcoming it". I had to think about B&N and Quizno's afterwards. I got a good impression from Quizno's and I was really sure what working at B&N would be like. I knew that you didn't get payed very much and might be made to work late, but besides that it might've been a pleasant place to work. Ultimately, I decided to go with Quizno's. I got Miles and then we drove to Graham Crackers where I traded in comics and bought a Cloak and Dagger comic with my $2.10 store credit *flashes victory sign*. I just hung out and read "Harry Potter" for the rest of the day.

I went to my Dad's and then to Ian's for a sleepover. Mike, Kristi, Miles, and eventually Paul all came over. We talked and played the Simpsons board game which has nothing to do with the Simpsons. It was fun.

Friday- We woke up and made an omelet, which was REALLY GOOD! We put in five or six eggs, but the majority were just the whites. We added cheese, green onions, and peppers (they were pretty hot. I had toast too. It was a pretty complete breakfast. Ian and I went outside and played tetherball. We then got out a hoola hoop, but both failed completly. We caught Lynn riding by on her way to bike with Erin and I briefly discussed clubbing plans. I admitted that we couldn't hoola hoop worth beans, but then when I tried I did surprisingly well...It's like I had instantly learned. Nick picked me up soon after and I went home.

Around one, I frantically got ready for the day and joined Miles and Paul to go to Oberweiss. Mike and Merika came too. Miles and I had a card for a free quart of ice cream because Jason had given blood, so we bought apple pie ice cream or something like that. Miles and I argued over eating it there or not, but I won and we ate some of it there. Miles and Mike battled it out in chess (though later Miles gave up and let Paul play for him), while Merika and I selected songs we wanted to play in the store. Oh, and I also said hi to the girl from tennis I know who works there. I felt a little guilty that I hadn't continued tennis in the summer, though...(she had). We left eventually, forgot the ice cream, grabbed it, and then went to Merika's while listening to Paul's 70's music. "Ballroom Blitz" is awesome!

At Merika's we watched "Sin City", which, though filmed wonderfully artistically, is still a very gruesome movie. Castrations...cannabalism..it was gross! Elijah Wood's character was awesome though!! The gleaming glasses and misleading sweater...definately cool. Eventually I had to go, though at this point I can't remember why. What I do remember is, that by the time I returned home, Jake and Paul were over. I played some video games with them and then went up to my room and read more "Harry Potter".

Saturday- I studied Japanese all morning and went to lessons. I was a little late, but it didn't matter. Paul had blocked me in, though, so I had to get myself out of the mess. It took a while! Lessons went well. I came back home and played video games with Paul and Jake. We played the drawing game, and they left around mid-afternoon. I read more "Harry Potter" and hung out until Lynn came around.

I didn't quite know what do wear to a club, so I wore flip flops, my tunic top, and camo shorts. Lynn listened to swear-filled rap music (the N-word was all over the place!) and spead ten over until we reached Merika. It was Merika's mom's birthday when we entered. She had died her hair and looked young. She was pretty funny and was dancing and everything! Merika was, of course, mortified when she saw her mom dancing and rushed us out. It was pretty funny. We did find out the mystery age of Mrs.With, though. We discussed Anders (Lynn's boyfriend/my neighbor/my 6th grade French teacher's son) and Harry Potter. We got to downtown Elgin and drove around the one-way city center looking for the club. We saw a lot of people outside in a line and didn't know if it were the club or not (though I thought it was. We kept driving, but eventually knew we had gone too far, got scared at the thought of being shot, and turned back. We realized that the line was for the club and parked in the parking garage. We waited in line for about 25 minutes and then got in (after I was frisked). It was 11:15 and we learned that our "discount flyers" were void for that night and that the price was twenty dollars. Luckily Merika had more money in the car! So, we finally got up to the third floor and started dancing.

The music was REALLY LOUD. Probably twice as loud as homecoming. We had to yell into eachother's ears and it was still hard to hear. The techno music was great, though. Sometimes the beat would drop out and the song would slow down and go funky, other times it would be only a beat to dance too. The crowd constricted a lot, leaving us with nearly no room to dance. We would occasionally see a empty spot and shuffle to get more space. Towards the end, a really hot, but cocky guy came on stage and started dancing. It was pretty darn hot. There were a lot of hot people there, actually, both guys and girls. We had to leave at about 12:25 to be home by one, so we only got to dance for an hour or so. We left during the techno version of "What you waiting for?". We all agreed that we wanted to go clubbing again and bring more people and stay longer. We drove back and talked. Our ears were ringing. I got home and read Harry Potter up to the last five pages and then fell asleep.

Sunday- I slept in until eleven and then got ready to go out to lunch. Merika picked me up and we went to the restaurant. It was a lot of fun. The Thai food was good as always and it was nice to have a lunch out with friends. Afterwards, Lynn went to work, and I went to the Commons with Merika and her mom. Merika picked out a bride's maid dress and her prom dress for next year. I read a magazine on travel spots where the dollar is strong and was interested in the European accent of the saleswoman.

Well... Mon. Tues. and today will have to come later...I hate to drag out my entries like this, but it is very late and don't worry, not much happened anyway. I still have to pack for a trip to Georgia tommorow...

I miss Aimee!!! Someone throw Sam, Aimee, Miles, and me a coming home party on Sunday!

eating out, clubbing

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