Mar 23, 2009 17:52
Seeing my desktop wallpaper was the best thing to happen to me so far today. It's not that today has been overly horrific (just normally horrific) it's just that my desktop wallpaper rocks and makes me happy and bouncy. Possibly a little giddy, too, the jury's still out.
Really need to find a new job. After paying rent I've got two weeks of frugal living to look forward to. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, mind you - I've actually been losing weight as a result of my limited diet and decision to mostly forego soda and energy drinks at home - but it would be nice if it were an option for me instead of a requirement. Nonetheless, it will all be better in a couple weeks, I think. If nothing else, I've got a potential trip planned next month that I find myself quite looking forward to. It may very well involve cheese, which is a huge plus for me as well.
Mmmmm. Cheese.
There are also rudimentary plans for some sort of podcast venture in the relatively near future. I've not really decided on the scope of this, mostly it's just another in a series of experiments to amuse myself, really. I'll likely expound on that particular subject when I get a better idea of what the hell I'm talking about... And being as I've gone 37-ish years with nary a clue, I don't hold much hope within the next 37 days or so...
At any rate, I shall go de-stinkify myself now after a brief glance at my wallpaper again, and then I will likely end up doing some recording stuff this evening. I'm feeling particularly inspired today for some reason.