
Jun 24, 2020 00:26

I have this feeling that there have been so many things going on lately that I could never address all of them properly in one post. But tonight I wanted to leave these lyrics... because they made me smile again and have so much meaning for me~

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I don't feel like talking a lot today, maybe because of recent reasons... and I don't feel like talking about that either. So, after watching Day 2 of JWHL with you!, I wanted to try to translate these lyrics because the song sounded so super special, I'll add more info in the translation notes when I feel like it but this is a song from a project of writing a song along with the fans, Eito + Eighters. They performed an unfinished version but it was so beautiful~ here's my try, it's not perfect at all but I love this song and the message.

Okay, full lyrics this time, I think I'll keep changing this, but for now, I have to post this.
And after what happened with Tachon I don't know what to think, I hope he's okay, that he'll get better soon~ It's weird, how much they have to go through, but I do love the song :D Also made a correction
I got distracted by many things in the middle, but finally, I'm putting this up again :D



We stand up again and again
because we want to see your smiles,
today as well, we're singing here
this unchanging dream
to you.


If we could expose it all how much easier it would be,
in a poof, it'll feel in vain
all the anxiety without basis accumulated at times we can't meet
for sure, we won't make you cry again.

目の前の"日常"を 奪おうとしてるけど

A nameless and senseless rain is pouring down
trying to snatch away our "everyday lives" that lie in front of us, but

悲しみを終わりにして また笑顔取り戻して
そのためだけに今は 君に歌唄ってんだ
守るための強さが 受け容れる優しさが
やがて光満ち溢れてく きっと

To end your sadness and make you recover your smile again
that's the only reason we're singing this song to you now.
Your strength to protect and your friendly kindness
are a light in this darkness
that before long will light up it all,
for sure.


An unquestioned illusion
changed our on-stage life
but we're still moving forward
the light that illuminates beyond that moment of sadness, the road to follow
helps us to hold onto tomorrow's hope.

ひびき合うその言葉 胸に抱いて

A rainbow hangs over the blooming flowers of smiles,
each of those words resounds, and we treasure them in our hearts.

始まりを終わりにして この覚悟曝け出し
変わり採る夢、時代に 君は未来持ってんだ
もう失わないように もう泣かせないように
あの日無くして今はない 共に

To start at the end, to reveal our determination
a dream that changes, at a time when you have a future.
Hoping not to lose again, not to make you cry anymore
we're singing the wishes in our hearts.
Without that day, there's no today, together.

”正しい理由” 誰も分からないでしょう
信じてくれた勇敢な君を 僕らが連れ出すよ

No one knows the "right reasons"
you, who were brave and believed in us, we'll get you out.

悲しみを終わりにして また笑顔取り戻して
そのためだけに今は 君に歌唄ってんだ
守るための強さが 受け容れる優しさが
やがて光満ち溢れてく Re:LIVE

To end your sadness, to bring back your smiles
that's the only reason we're singing this song now,
the strength to protect and the receptive gentleness
are a light in this darkness
that soon will fill everything with light Re:LIVE

Kanji from here. The lyrics were really hard, especially the second part, I'm still not sure..., I'll try adding my notes later~ I'm sorry, I got many things going on and many lyrics posts waiting... but I love this song.
This isn't a literal translation and I'm sorry about the mistakes. I think I'll write the notes before the 30th, that's when the final song will be presented, btw.
I'll write the notes later but the idea behind this project is written on their page, and I liked this short part
With all of you Eighters, we would like to live!
We want to live!

- 鼠毛🐭 (@mmmmaus) May 26, 2020

- スズアキ (@VK_szak_68) May 7, 2020

20/5/2 ラル ラリ ラ
- ユ キ ヒ ロ (@24_yukkkky) May 2, 2020

I'm sorry for feeling so down, there's another song I have almost finished, and it's a happy one~

kanjani8, english lyrics, 2020,

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