So, this is the first attempt to actually translate something that I can't, finished attempt, I have one waiting, maybe forever lol.
Anyway, this is the result, I didn't follow the rules, and actually when finished, compared it a little bit with previous perfectly made translations, in both Spanish and English. Even though, just because I'm stubborn I stuck with my own interpretation, which probably is incorrect.
But overall it was fun, maybe because I did not do it correctly, anyway I loved the song, I still think I like Nino´s version the best, but don't know why, maybe is the voice, and how simple it turns out to be. I also prefer his version of Friendship... He has this weird sort of talent that can make everything sound so kanashī and sabishī... why?...
The song is kiseki, by the hip hop jband Greeeen, and Ninomiya made a cover of this song, apparently it was quite famous around 2008.
There is a bit of an explanation in the translation made by Taiji Project, that I found very helpful, so go see it, but I will copy that tiny bit, "depending on the kanji used, "kiseki" can mean either path/tracks OR miracle. In the case of this song, it means both - which is why the title is written in katakana, not kanji"
So, next it is my attempt, lol
明日、今日よりも好きになれる 溢れる想いが止まらない
今もこんなに好きでいるのに 言葉に出来ない
君のくれた日々が積み重なり 過ぎ去った日々2人歩いた『軌跡』
僕らの出逢いがもし偶然ならば? 運命ならば?
君に巡り合えた それって『奇跡』
※2人寄り添って歩いて 常の愛を形にして
いつまでも君の横で 笑っていたくて
アリガトウや Ah 愛してるじゃまだ足りないけど
せめて言わせて 「幸せです」と※
いつも君の右の手の平を ただ僕の左の手の平が
そっと包んでくそれだけで ただ愛を感じていた
日々の中で 小さな幸せ 見つけ重ね ゆっくり歩いた『軌跡』
僕らの出会いは大きな世界で 小さな出来事
巡り合えた それって『奇跡』
うまく行かない日だって 2人で居れば晴れだって!
強がりや寂しさも 忘れられるから
僕は君でなら 僕で居れるから!
だからいつも そばにいてよ 『愛しい君へ』
2人フザけあった帰り道 それも大切な僕らの日々
「想いよ届け!!!」と伝えた時に 初めて見せた表情の君
少し間が空いて 君がうなずいて 僕らの心 満たされてく愛で
ぼくらまだ旅の途中で またこれから先も
例えばほら 明日を見失いそうに 僕らなったとしても、、、
うまく行かない日だって 2人で居れば晴れだって!
喜びや悲しみも 全て分け合える
君がいるから 生きていけるから!
だからいつも そばにいてよ 『愛しい君へ』 最後の一秒まで
明日、今日より笑顔になれる 君がいるだけで そう思えるから
何十年 何百年 何千年 時を超えよう 君を愛してる
So here is just the English part...there is a part that I really loved, and I almost translated into Spanish, that´s how much I loved it, it was the until the last second part... waa
Tomorrow I'll love you more than today,
this overflowing emotion won't stop.
That even now, I cannot express with words
how much I still love you.
The days you've given me pile up,
Together we've walked along as the days went by
That's the path we have taken
Was our encounter an accident or fate?
Either way, that chance meeting, that's our miracle
By walking cuddle close together
our neverendless love takes shape.
I felt like laughing at your side forever
"Thank you" and "I love you", are not good enough yet
At least let me tell you how happy I am
Always your right palm on the palm of my left hand
Just by that gentle touch I could feel your love
We have walked slowly everyday,
each day finding our little happiness, that's our trajectory
Our encounter was a little incident in this big world
That chance meeting is what it is, a miracle
Even in days when things do not go well,
if we are together then it'll be good weather!
Things such as bluffing and also loneliness
are forgotten ever since you are with me,
because I can be myself!
So, I say these words to you, my dearest,
please stay close to me forever.
The two of us fooling around while returning home,
those days have became valuable memories for us.
When I told you "I have feelings for you!!",
you showed that expression for the first time,
there was a small pause, then you nodded,
and our hearts were filled with love.
We are still in the middle of our journey,
there is still much ahead for us,
even decades into the future
And even if it looks like we've lost sight of the future...
By walking cuddle close together
our neverendless love takes shape.
I felt like laughing at your side forever
"Thank you" and "I love you", are not good enough yet
At least let me say This is happiness
Even in days when things do not go well,
if we are together then it'll be good weather!
We've shared all the joys and sorrows
You're the reason why I'm able to survive!
So, I say these words to you, my dearest,
please stay close to me forever,
until the last second...
Tomorrow I'll smile more than today,
because the most important thing for me is here.
For decades, centuries, or even millennia,
even beyond time, I love you.
So, I'm quite satisfied with the result, maybe it is my ignorance, anyhow I know it is a poor attempt, but at least it is the first finished!
So, I'll be leaving, I'll try to be more applied into this, my exam date is approaching!!!
Jaa ne!
So, I'm still cheating lol, I'm correcting this, just because I really really love this song, and one point to take into account about my English is that I think it's amazing how now, I can express something so much shorter, it was like silly talk before, but I think it was a result of both English and Japanese, the ignorance about both of them! well, that's not funny at all...
Now I'm ok with the world actually, but there's still a couple of things that bug me, but I'll let them be!
Anyway, I'm off
[Edit part II]
Sometimes I just really love this song when listening to it, so I wanted to translate it into Spanish
Entonces, aquí va mi intento, me encanta estar mucho más familiarizada con la letra jaja
Trayectoria / Milagro
Mañana este amor será aún más grande
este sentimiento fluye/rebalsa sin deternerse
Incluso ahora no puedo ponerlo en palabras
Los días en los que me regalas tu compañía se amontonan
Los días que pasamos, en los que caminamos juntos [nuestro recorrido]
Nose si nuestro encuentro fue una coincidencia o el destino,
pero el haberte encontrado fue un [milagro].
Nuestro amor se vuelve real cuando puedo caminar a tu lado
Mi único deseo es poder sonreir en tu compañía
Las palabras no son suficientes, 'Gracias' y 'Te amo' no lo expresan
al menos dejame decirte que soy feliz.
Siempre la palma de tu mano derecha
sobre la palma de mi mano izquierda
simplemente envolviendola suavemente
eso es lo que significa el "amor" para mí.
Fuimos acumulando esos pequeños momentos de felicidad
que encontramos cada día en nuestra [trayectoria]
Nuestro encuentro para este enorme mundo puede sonar insignificante
Pero el haberte encontrado es mi [milagro]
Incluso en los días grises,
tenerte a mi lado hace brillar el sol
Puedo olvidar el orgullo y la soledad
Porque cuando estás aquí me siento en casa
Entonces te pido que te quedes cerca siempre [mi amada]
Te acuerdas lo divertido del camino a casa?
Son nuestros recuerdos más preciados
Y cuando por fin pude decirte que me gustabas
Fue la primera vez que vi esa expresión en tu cara...
Luego de una pausa pude ver que asentías
llenando nuestros corazones de amor
Todavía nos queda un largo camino por delante
hacia nuestro futuro con decádas por recorrer
Incluso si el futuro parece desvanecerse...
Caminando cerca tuyo
es donde siento nuestro amor real y enorme
Mi único deseo es poder siempre sonreir en tu compañía
Las palabras no son suficientes, 'Gracias' y 'Te amo' no lo expresan
al menos dejame decirte que esto es lo que significa felicidad para mí
Incluso en los días grises,
tenerte a mi lado hace brillar el sol
Puedo olvidar el orgullo y la soledad
Porque cuando estás aquí me siento en casa
Entonces te pido que te quedes cerca siempre [mi amada]
Hasta el último segundo...
Mañana mi sonrisa será aún más grande
y eso es porque vas a estar a mi lado
Por años, décadas y más
Compartamos el tiempo juntos.
Te amo.
Y... la versión de Nino para escuchar porque simplemente suena hermosa! quizás es su voz, quizás es el Te amo del final,
And to finished a picture that I liked!
I so wanna see this special subbed!!! Onegai!!