Hi minna! Everywhere in here seems so hot!!! My air conditioning just broke! And it is one of the worst things that could have happened in this time of the year in this place where I believe I’m living!!! Anyway I’m determined to stand this and not make a big deal out of it, but it is a big deal!! えっと … even though, I brought here my second essay, just because I have to, first I really hated it, but then it grown on me, and actually I become really attached to it, who knows why, but it is a good thing! I think. Plus if you read it, then I have very cute screen-shots of the movie, just the romantic ones, but it is a big spoiler, so only for the ones who have already seen it! Because we love love-stories and because Nino looks so good, as a matter a fact he is not my favourite in love situations, just because he is so lazy… but in this one his character is rather good. Then we can remember and accept that it is worth to watch again, at least!
Then here I go, it looked quite impossible to upload it because of the dysfunctional lj!! You are not making me angry, I have enough with this hot!! Come on! So, I kind of give a big hint on the end. So go see it!
Love story + good ending
Everyone loves a good love story, but it is quite ironic that those ones with a really unfortunate end are the ones most remembered. And in this case, the romantic couple characterised in “Gantz Perfect Answer”, is fairly a good example. Then, would it be correct to establish that we hope for a happy ending, but the closures enjoyed and immortalised the most are the sad ones? In first place, the finest example of tragic ending in romantic category probably is Romeo and Juliet, in this case both of them died because they were certain that life without the other would become unbearable to tolerate. Even though it is heartbreaking, it is also enormous renowned, nobody would remember a story were both of them would have grown older together. And the reason is that when we heard ‘…and they lived happily ever after’ then it sounds as a fairy tale, not real. We can believe in a sad end, but we refuse the opposite, perhaps because it is found impossible to expect joy in such an extent as forever. Finally, it is our experience that marks us and we often find easier to fell comforted when we realise that we are actually luckier that those couples, like Kei-kun and Tae-chan, hopelessly split. On the opposite side, even though we understand and acknowledge the logic of these finales, there is something that makes us long for happiness. Even if we have not experience love, even if we have not witness any good example in the matter, there is something hoping for perfection. All points consider, we can conclude that even though we cannot understand or imagine how a life of non stopping bliss would be, most of us expect it to become true. So, when we see people meant to be together irremediably separated we can recognise that it is not how we hope it to end, and it will probably leave a strong impression in our minds.
Ok, and now to the visual, I loved their story by the way...
The beginning, everything was paste in the opposite order! むり!! Ok, so now they are almost like a couple, so adorable! by the way I loved her drawings
And now he is smiling!! he is actually showing normal emotions, more than just standing and doing nothing!! I love how lovie dovey they looked
Walking together, almost as he could forget about the black suit, so normal, and he is happy!! maybe thinking about a normal life with her!
But she can guess it!! She knows something happened and that he is happy, kawaii
He wants to be her superhero, if only that could be possible ! lol
So, he invites her to the amusing park to give her an announcement!! I loved her reaction, he did not fall for that, she is way to obvious!
Oh! Smirk
kawaii desu ne? there is love in the air...
Then trouble is coming... she is in the train scene!! and look she has no swords! むり!!
So he finds out and naturally, even though he had flown out of a window...
goes back inside and saves her, hora he does have a sword!
Oh! surprise! but he looks so much better than the guy in the picture, that by the way why is there?
ごめん! I did not tell you, I fight aliens over nights
Then it's time for more saving, but she believes in him, so there is not much surprise or explanation about the suit, except that he looks awesome! lol
Again a moment together, I loved how she looks at him, like she really loves him, this time Kei-kun calls her by her first name the first time! And tells her, that he will go for her later! don't promise something you won't be able to do!!
And now the inevitable! how did this happend! It is like 7 litres of blood after the previous...
Now more Tae-chan's blood, was it really necessary? was it?
At least they have a last good bye, he tells her: 'Tae-chan, let's go home.'
She tells him, he does not have to die...(In Korean subtitles!! Kei)
Yes there is blood, and he looks so sad!
crying, he goes back to the room
And she dies... Many aliens and humans being killed after....
Everything looks restored and she goes to the amusing park, but she does not recall who invited her...
loved this drawing, don't know if it looks so much as Nino, but loved it!!
And a final message from Kurono-kun!!
Life goes back to normal...
but what can be normal after losing someone so precious???
Here is our guy, why??
And he wants everyone to be happy, we won't, get out of there and have a normal happy life with Tae-chan!
And here is the finale! sad, sad, sad... but it feels like some sort of a closure...
So here is the end, for my babbling, I really liked this movie, and specially their story, it was believable, like they were really struggling for their happiness, and that is what I like to see...