It's been a while since I dare to put my fingertips on the keyboard to express a piece of my mind. Maybe because I feel a little bit guilty about neglecting many posts unfinished. Maybe because I used these surgery as a way to escape, from what? Who knows.
Just as always let's start, hoping to finish and to enjoy the pointless rambling,
So, a lot of things happened, maybe that's the way life makes us realize about the size of the world. Meaning, I've always enjoyed expanding my mind by discovering new things. Anyway, there was this girl on Tumblr who keep posting things about a Tawianese dorama, so after she rambled about why she wasn't posting so much about Arashi anymore, and how she hoped about a good story in an idol dorama, I started to think about it.
So, that just lit the fire of curiosity, and as I've been also avoiding my friend who keep trying to get me into liking this Korean guy who she loves, yes she put him in her list alonside with Matsujun and Miura, well, I might introduced her the other two, but she pretty much met the later by herself. That's some nerves she had!
Anyway, my life was crazy before surgery, but since, I almost couldn't move around I had to get my knee operated. Long story go short, I've started a Tawianese drama, finished a Korean, and finished the Japanese remake! That's a lot of Asian products. LOL
So, by now I feel like starting the review, yes I have to review this. I don't know whether I'll be able to put all of it in one post, will divide it or even finish it at all. But at least I was able to start it, that's a good sign ritht? desho?
Anyway, she is totally in love with this guy which I can't even pronounce the name.... it is ... Jang Geun Suk, right! But she taught me to call him Sukkie, which is like ten times easier and I think that's the way he is known in the Japanese market. He has an awesome tone of voice, so low, but ... anyway she advised me to watch You're beautiful, which is the drama I'm trying to review here, so let's see what I can do.
There is no such thing as ignoring Korean dramas, because if you're around internet, looking for J-doramas reviews, you'll heard of them, read of them, and if you're from Latin America, you'll have a spanish version available in some countries. Which was really new for me until I heard the guy from Boys before Flowers speaking in Latin American Spanish, びっくりした!!
So, it's weird, but being Mexico one of those countries that welcomes the dramas I kind of understand, I'm familiar with Mexican soap operas and they are soooo alike, LOL. But, that's out of the point, I've being avoiding them for a while, I didn't pass the first episode of BBF and I think that was it...
But since the Tawainese drama was ongoing and even though it's soooo much like a soap opera I couldn't continue watching, I decide to give Korean option a try.
About the Korean guy, he is so different!
Korean guy, we'll call him just Sukkie, well I, 'cause his name is impossible!
First he doesn't look like the typical Korean drama guy, or at least the image I had on my mind. He is kind of cute, but mostly sexy, and a bit androgynous and weird, he's like all over the place, his character is like too strong. I've never seen someone like him.
Sexy and with a deep voice
But he was extremely good at his character, was totally in the zone. The worst thing is that he kept on reminding me someone I'm not sure who...
What make me laughed the most was how accurated his image is for my friend to like him. He is so freakin weird, I mean his character, which is all I know from him, LOL, she gets really upset when I say this....
But, let's face it, he is sexy. Yes, I'll give him that, who knows why but he is.
But with a sweet smile
Korean lang
About the language I've already heard a bit of it, because I've watched a couple of episodes from Playful Kiss * now I remember *, so, it wasn't so unfamiliar, for me. Regarding to this point, I was so much engaged with the Chinese from the T-drama, Chinese sounds so cute, so melodious, so different and interesting, it's like they're singing. I fell in love with the language.
Plus, the names, in both are so much difficult!!! even though I was able to get familiar with the Chinese ones, but the Korean ones, I'm still struggling and the drama is long time over!
My marks
About what? It looks like the review will be in the next post, most likely, I'll divide it in two, but my marks for openning my eyes and ears to new markets. First this journal will stop being about Arashi and I'll change to Korean dramas....
I've discovered that I'm weird, but there are many people out there who aren't what they seem also. My friend turn out to be even weirder than what I am. What this mean? Who knows, but I don't think those new impressions will last, my taste doesn't seem to change much. And this new exposure to Sukkie and his Team H, his videos, I think it's just too much.
He has a very sexy voice and sings really nice, I'll give him that. But I don't think it's much of my style.
Gomen, my friend, I think the student has surpassed the teacher, this is too much
I've being force to listen to the whole album
She says I'll became an eel....well we'll see LOL
You like what????
Yeah, well...
That's all for today, at least I've finished something, I think I'll search for the energies to keep on with what I've planned to translate, and I'll try to progress on my reviews after that,
well... No pics or gifs are mine, well for obvious reasons
It'll be Jun's month soon and I have to be able to walk again soon.
Sorry I didn't check for mistakes, I think I'm quite lazy lately!
Jaa ne!