So yesterday and today it was all about PIKA☆NCHI, actually they were quite hard to find! But lastly, I found them with Spanish subtitles. Anyway they were really fun, even though I could not watch them properly... the second one was really interrupted
First, a couple of facts found on the internet, just because I like to be informed.
Title: ピカ☆ンチ Life is Hard だけど Happy Year: 2002
As for Jun reference I believe it is the same year that he did Gokusen, and the second part, it was the year when he did Kimi wa Petto and the Gokusen sp, I like to relate it to his hairstyle lol.
Title: ピカ☆☆ンチ Life is Hard だから Happy Year: 2004
Anyway I'm too lazy to do more screen-caps, maybe another time, I did a couple though, but I looked stole a couple more in order to give a general idea, you should probably have read that this is about 5 guys who are friends and that it is basically about their friendship, and it is. The scenery actually make me recall Stand up!, but I think this is funnier, by the way, the first one is funnier, and it really focuses on Aiba-chan's story, or is it my impression?, but I'm not complaining, I loved it, he looks really like a nice guy. Well, I'm not going to spoil it for you, but it is quite entertaining. About their look in the first one, well it is quite amusing the way Sho-kun appeals the camera, I end up thinking that he really enjoyed his character, which is a Yankee, and that he really loved his scar!
yeah! he really loves this
So into the character! lol this is what I missed in the second
Then it is Aiba-chan and I just loved, really loved his hair, I have a thing about that I KNOW, and he really shows us such a normal and simple and endearing guy, just perfect for being your boyfriend and best friend.
Yes, you can study like that!
hora! he has a ponytail
kya! Sooo young! Then you have Ohno-san who is really weird and funny, I don´t really like his story that much, but on the inside, he is really sweet
And his facial expressions are really...
But he just can not hide this
kawaii!! And there is also Jun, he is really funny as well, he is indeed not the cool Jun-kun that we all know, but he is really cute too.
It was so funny to finally know what did he have inside that ridiculous big bag
What can I say about that, but in the last one he is cute
And finally, Nino, I didn´t like how his story end, maybe because we don´t see much of it, and I really didn´t see him skating that much
But we can see a little of his bratty side, and it is really kawaii
But we all know what he can do the best
So it is really entertaining and you can see the development of the story as well as of the characters, therefore I would highly recommend it,
this is the last scene!! look who just can not get up there! The second one is also very interesting, not so funny, but it has its high points, but I won´t spoiled it for you!
Again I have something about the hair! and this time it is sho's!!
Talking about hair, a style like that I wouldn't recommend for Ohno-san!!
I just love it! ごめん
This is so self-explanatory lol And we can not forget about this! crochet!
So if you have the opportunity, go for it, どうぞ I think it really reflects in some way the awkwardness of been in that age and to have to make choices in order to decide the path in your life, the fears of facing the new and also the inspirations that marks us, but all of that reflected in a really funny way.
I'm adding my marks here, but without icons, 'cause it's been like forever since I saw them, first part 3 and a half plus a wink second part 3 and a half
The story is great and down to earth, and check Kiroii namida, to me it's like an even better version of this style.
Then, また ね, enjoy the spare time in whatever you like to do! And saigo an inspirational picture!