So, today a review from a dorama that was really easy to watch and you get hook basically after 15 min more or less, it's funny 'cause it's nothing as I'd expected and it took me longer that I thought to watch those first 15 min. (^o^;
And, it's mainly about Nagase
Yes! Nagase Tomoya
Title: マイ★ボス マイ★ヒーロー
Title (romaji): My Boss, My Hero
Format: Renzoku
Genre: School drama, comedy
Episodes: 10
Viewership rating: 18.91
Broadcast network: NTV
Broadcast period: 2006-Jul-08 to 2006-Sep-16
Air time: Saturday 21:00
Theme song: Sorafune by TOKIO
hit play to get in the mood
My version goes like this (o^v^o)
I used to have a different impression of this story, not that it matters anymore, but I've never expected to enjoy it this much, such an overdone plot.
The idea is that this guy, 28 years old, is going back to highschool to have a diplome. He is the heir in this yakuza gang where he was raised. But the most important in this plot and the main thing that makes this works is that the guy is played by Nagase Tomoya.
I haven't seen much of him, except from Tigerxdragon in where he is also a yakuza guy, maybe is because of his look. Anyway, Nagase is such a physical actor, that his faces and how handsome he is, it's what makes this so funny. He may not be the greatest actor but he surely can transmit a feeling and is particularly good at this overacted character.
This story takes this ridiculous situation to extremes and at times is hilarious, making of this a lighthearted comedy with touches of heart warming moments.
The Yakuza guys
The guy in the left, the ex Kattun guy, Koki?
About the others
The cast in this series is really interesting, from the yakuza gang we have his loyal followers which are portrayed as we are used to see 'good' yakuza characters, a bit foolish.
So, one of his loyal followers, the younger one, Kazu is actually the recent ex-Kat-tun guy, Koki
His father is the one in Bambino and is really interesting and follows him into this madness mixed with cuteness. So hard to describe! Even his young brother is interesting, until the end I was wondering what were his real intentions and from where he seemed familiar...
Father & son
The make-up from Yakuza leader to highschool student
Mikio bro
The classmates are so funny and youthful, there are a couple of known actors really young, but Sakurakoji, or sakuranantoka like he calls him, which was really funny, is cute and so naive, he really looks 17, I wonder if he really was (?_?)
Finding more about him, he is the guy from NEWS that is a big news!(O.O;), he really is cute! Tegoshi Yuya, he was 19 more or less, really young huh...
About Gakky, she is great, doesn't look much different though, as adorable as she can be. She was really young 18, didn't look much different though.(>o<)
Then we can also see a little bit of a really young 17-year-old Naka Riisa.
This was hilarious I'll put a gif later
Look at his face!! I know nothing about you NEWS guy, so I believe in your cute face lol
Visiting the yakuza house
The teacher is also great, her eyes are really something, I wish she could be even more involve with him. The other teacher were also so funny even the english teacher, who seems awfully known, why? anyway they were really loving teachers, are teachers really this dedicated in Japan?
The school staff
They put too much effort in this guy
About Nagase
This TOKIO guy as always has a great presence and well, he looks way more than 17 but yet he can look amazingly cute in here. His faces were hilarious and the change between being a yakuza to a highschool student was also really fun! I was really surprised by Nagase in the way he can be frightening and extremely cute sasuga Johnny's boy. At the end I was charmed by his antics and his cutesy, even though at times the plot gets absurd, he maintains the level and keeps it going in the nice path.
Thinking positively and studying
Understanding fractions with Nagase
When the teacher is thinking about asking you the next question
About the plot
Well, you can see that this is really a light story, not much profound mostly aimed to be funny at first at least, but it does have very cute and warm moments. I was thinking about giving it 4 stars because I really enjoy when it's funny no matter how crazy or unbelivable the plot may be, but at the end it suffered from the same syndrom of Minami-kun no koibito, it just takes much more seriously a situation less likely to happen, when it could just be about enjoy the playful atmosphere. Yet this is much better done, always having funny releases when you can smile and Nagase can trasmit that lightness. I'm not much satisfied with the end, it made me recall the Stand Up! end, when you are not sure whether this whole thing actually teach him something or was plainly meaningless, but I choose to believe it meant something and that there was some growth in the character.
A must have look when playing basketball
The bad guy in class, only if he knew
Cute is cute, no matter the age difference, well...
Johnny's and costumes!
More Faces!
The other stuff
Having said that, let's talk about the scenarios, well the school is really fun to watch, it looks really big and it has this feeling of youth, the trees surrounding it and the Agnes road were so beautiful, it looked so cute and like countryside, I loved that. Agnes became really a nice place to go. And the lesson of enjoying while you're trying really hard was awesome as well. Maybe this shouldn't be here but the thing I enjoy the most is how Nagase's character leads the kids from indiference and self-interest to have a more broad way of thinking and into the joy of sharing highschool with the whole class, which is the best part of the experience. Like he said, you don't get to have classmates in life! I think that was the best part of all, how it makes you remember how it was going to highschool everyday, sharing this with other people in your same position, and being able to end this phase in life together.
The music was ok, and I ended up liking the final theme by TOKIO, I like the rhythm, I'd love to know who is the one singing each part, I really don't recognize their voices, hardly their faces.
Agnes pudding!!!
I love this, Agnes!
Liking open spaces
The marks
To end, my marks would be 3 and a half stars, really entertaining and a nice choice to become interested in jdoramas after a while. To finish, this was really easy to watch, it's entertaining and it just hits the right notes, it sounds harmonic. Really great, if I'd have loved more the final this would be a sure 4, but overall it was up just above the average, so two winks to encourage you to see it.
Harmony? yes
"Why the traffic signals are red, green and yellow?"
"The world is full of things I don't know yet"
That's exactly what happens when you start studying
In other news I love funky dance!!! ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ Seriously that perf in MS was AWESOME! I don't recall having watched so many times a live perf before. FUNKY was great. I even learn it for the dvd if I ever get to see it, thanks for letting us see it in advance. ٩(-̮̮̃•̃)۶ //(ㄒoㄒ)//
(ノ≧∇≦)ノキャー -
Arashi is here! In those costumes!
Funky dance is the best! I'll learn it!
Epic perfomance is epic
Gifs by arashic Tumblr
That's it! (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)