Un/Pair - Kinki Kids

Jul 22, 2021 23:58

Last lyrics for now, and this is it, the most recently released KK's single. I like the music a lot and I think it suits their voices so much!

#KinKiKids drops their 43rd single, "Ampere" today. The group's unique blend of melancholy and sensual melody is an insightful musical reflection on disparate emotions and fragility that cannot be fully connected (cannot be touched = cannot be paired). pic.twitter.com/fmh3eXctrO
- Johnny & Associates (@johnnys) July 20, 2021

Yes, I hated how they put the title wrong, I mean there's a slash there for something!! So, either way, it sounds about right the part of the blend between melancholy and sensual, because despite this being a sensual song, KK always sounds melancholic, and good. I'm not sure if my try ended up good, but this is the closest I felt as finished. As always, I'm sorry about the mistakes.
The lyrics and music are by Doujima, and I think he knows them really well, and the music despite them putting there a nostalgic feeling, sounds modern and pretty cool. Got kanji from here and here's my try~

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KinKi Kids

作詞:堂島孝平 (Dōjima Kōhei)
作曲:堂島孝平 (Dōjima Kōhei)


If I had met you in a dream
that wouldn't change reality at all.
And only having a feeling
of a vague afterimage wouldn't be worth it.

言葉 壁打ちしてる 独り言 ダブルフォルト
あてのないラリー いい加減にしたい
もっとピリピリしたい ピリピリしたい 君とコネクト

Words are like balls bouncing against a wall, and a soliloquy is a double fault
I want to have an aimlessly careless rally with you
I want more of the tingling sensation, to feel on edge, connected to you.

どうかしちゃったんだろ Baby You 心が見えない
壊れたままじゃ差し込めない この接触不良のプラグとコード
どうかしちゃったんだろ Baby You つながり合いたい

Lately, I don't get it.
What's wrong Baby?, You, I can't get your heart.
If it remains broken it can't be inserted, this plug cord with a bad contact.
Lately, I don't get it.
What's wrong Baby?, You, I want to be connected to you.
And being entangled is still not enough pain,
it's okay to burn like fools

愛という装置で 命に火をつけた

To know the emptiness of a world that lost its light
makes me don't want to forget
each time we
ignited life with a device called love.

強く痺れるほどに 生きてると思えるから
不透明の日々 確かさが欲しい
もっとピリピリしたい ピリピリしたい 君とコネクト

The stronger I feel the electric shock the more I think I'm alive
in the uncertain every day, I want certainty
I want more of the tingling sensation, to feel on edge, connected to you.

どうかしちゃったんだろ Baby You 心に触れたい
火花が散って手に負えないほど ただ君を衝撃に感じたい

Lately, I don't get it
What's wrong Baby?, You, I want to touch your heart
I just want to make you feel the shock to the point of spreading sparks beyond control.

どうかしちゃったんだろ Baby You 心が見えない
どうかしちゃったんだろ Baby You ぶっ飛んでいたいよ コネクト
どうかしちゃったんだろ Baby You つながり合いたい

Lately, I don't get it
What's wrong Baby?, You, I can't get your heart
Lately, I don't get it
What's wrong Baby?, You, I want to be flying with you, connected
Lately, I don't get it
What's wrong Baby?, You, I want to be connected to you
Because being entangled is not enough pain
it's okay to burn like fools
you can as well completely burn down my heart.

[T/N]: Well, let me see, I think I have a couple of notes, let's see
- First stanza and this is the best I could do... I'm not fully satisfied with it, but I'm kind of able to see how he's searching for something real, that makes him feel.
- There's the analogy and also the metaphor for the plug cords with something broken that doesn't allow the connection. Maybe if they could talk, but as it is said, it's useless in the previous stanza...
And, oh, right, about the pain, I think it's a reference to the pain of the electric shock, he can't have enough of it, because despite finding it like a tinging sensation, it also brings pain, I guess that's the point of view.
- I love the stanza with them igniting life in a dark world, it's divided by verses between the two Domotos and Koichi sounds especially amazing by the end of it. And actually, the note here is that I changed the whole order of that stanza, sorry! but it didn't make sense otherwise.
- I think I like how you can find imagery of electricity everywhere and it's so nice, like the sparkles, I can see that happening in my mind lol, that's how graphic the lyrics are.
- The end, also, I forgot to mention this before the part of "I don't get your heart" is like I can't understand your mind/heart. But by the ending verse, I chose to pick a pronoun because he's talking to 'Baby', but it could also be "it's okay to completely destroy our hearts".

そして有難う…いつもどれだけの元気を貰っていることか!泣 #KinKiKids24周年記念日_0721 #KinKiKids24周年anniversary #アンペア pic.twitter.com/HZTO8r70Be
- むらさき (@kinki_wa_ftr) July 20, 2021

And that's it, I like this song a lot, and I also like Un/Pair (Summer Sounds Remix) because it's longer and has Summer vibes, it's like a good rhythm XD
Among the other songs, I think my favorite is 群青の日々, Ultramarine Days, written by Doujima, Dandelion sounds so much like a KK's song XD Oh, I also like SQUALL though, which is also from Doujima. But, of course, the best, in my opinion, is Un/Pair, especially because of its distinctive sound. What do you think?

おめでとうございます🎉💙❤️🎉 #KinKiKids #アンペア #KinKiKids24周年記念日_0721 #KinKiKids24周年anniversary pic.twitter.com/2SeCa9PUm3
- みほし (@3kaho4) July 20, 2021

In other news... their anniversary is always so close to the friendship day here haha, I always remember the first time I knew about it. And I'm glad they usually pick this date for their releases :D And the other news was that I went out with friends today and it was fun, after a long time~ we talked a lot. I'm still hurt though for losing an important friend, that sucks...
There's a slight possibility of me going back to normal classes, tomorrow there's a zoom meeting and I'll find out all about it...or at least something about it. I can't wait for someone to tell me to get back to the classroom instead of doing freaking youtube videos!! I hope it's good news, although I base my expectations on literally nothing because since this pandemic started everything about my subject was bad news. Still...

What else... well, I'll try to focus now on Kei-chan's blog which is something I feel kind of bad for having abandoned so soon..but again editing 6 videos a week!! Oh, and I watched the special footage for Snowman's last single and it had Wada-san! lol, it was fun, I still can't remember each of their names though... but my favorite trio was the one with Date sama, and it was mainly because of Shoppi, I think it is LOL, that guy was super funny, he also mentioned Yabu, because that was the reading of the kanji, and Sakuma corrected him with a "But that's not JUMP's Yabu's kanji" and no one had noticed that before! and he only goes with a "I'm sorry" LOL!! Also, is the guy narrating the one from Itajan? I don't know why but voices, they stay in my brain, lol, I was wondering that the whole video. Either way, I think the only thing wrong about the game was that the arguments were kind of weak for the false options, because someone like me was able to tell most of them, and I have no idea about the origins of kanji, so... Also, I was surprised about how easily Raul talks and he's able to sound so confident, the kid knows how to do a presentation! I hate those people back in school... XDXD I was from the ones who didn't talk at all if they could avoid it. Either way, I don't know why I talk so long about this, I guess because it made me laugh XD

But there was something related to KK that I did want to talk about, and it is here, watch it first if you haven't 'cause I'm going to spoil all of it!! It was super fun because it's Ongaku no Hi with Nakai as the MC and they started talking about knowing each other for around 30 years!! That's a lot!! And they proceed to start singing, Zenbu Dakishimete, and I'm going to be honest here, Tsuyo always has my eyes, LOL, and while I was watching it was so unusual how he kept watching the music score or lyrics in front of him? And then, I was so distracted by this, ZD is an old song, I mean 1998, KK always sings this song during concerts and they usually do it with guitars, both of them, so, then why? plus Koichi is the one usually forgetting lyrics, Why? Why is Tsuyo looking so close to the sheet music? And then, the camera gets close to him and shows that what he was actually looking at were a bunch of pics of a super young Nakai!! LOL, I couldn't stop laughing! Of course!! Then they sing Un/Pair, so nice, seriously and Tsuyo dances so nicely using the outfit so well, I'm sorry, but here again, I prefer Tsuyo's dancing. Either way, it's not the full song, but by the end, Ko-chan takes off his jacket to reveal a pic of the 3 of them when super young printed in his shirt!! Aren't they the best! They can sing, they can dance, they know each other for freaking 30 years, they're together for 24 years and they have the most foolish humor of all, I love them. Please KK never change! They made Nakai-san laugh like a kid, lol while saying "You two also look bad in that pic" LOL. All I can think of that pic is that's the way Tsuyo looks in Ko-chan's mind, like when he was 18!!

See you~

💙2021.7.21 24th Anniversary❤️
デビュー24周年&アン/ペア発売おめでとう! #KinKiKids24周年記念日_0721 #KinKiKids24周年anniversary #KinKiKids #アンペア pic.twitter.com/ypfqKTPTJb
- ⚡️U🔌 (@_s13) July 20, 2021

#KinKiKids24周年anniversary, kinki kids, #アンペア, lyrics, english lyrics, #kinkikids, 2021, single, #KinKiKids24周年記念日_0721

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