Долгий ковид у детей

Feb 14, 2024 23:35

Обзорная статья, по оценкам ее авторов, в США около 5.8 млн детей с постковидом. У большинства детей, симптомы проходят за несколько месяцев.
Поставить диагноз сложно, тк сильно варьирует симптоматика, поражаются разные системы и органы, и тп, как и у взрослых, и четких и понятных мед. критериев - нет. Однако понятно, что для части перенесших ковид- это серьезный удар по здоровью.
[Spoiler (click to open)]The incidence of PASC in children is less well-characterized than in adults and varies widely, ranging from 4% to 62% across existing large studies, with more studies reporting estimates closer to 10% to 20% within the first 6 months after acute infection.9,13,-21 Overall, the wide range of estimates of PASC incidence relates to differences in study design, setting, population, follow-up period, variable ascertainment methods, and variable diagnostic criteria. To date, the majority of studies of PASC in children can be characterized as small, case-based, cross-sectional, retrospective, clinic-based, or convenience samples. PASC can also be difficult to diagnose because associated signs and symptoms are broad, affecting numerous organ systems, and can overlap with underlying comorbidities.
Less is known about the trajectory of PASC. In 1 study, PASC symptoms resolved in the majority of children over the course of several months,22 with one-third of children having ongoing symptoms at 12 months.23 However, few studies have examined outcomes beyond 12 months after infection or examined the full range of symptomatology. In terms of PASC symptoms from initial versus subsequent infections, 1 study did not show a significant difference in PASC symptoms between those with a first episode of infection or reinfection during the ο era.

дети, статьи, коронавирус, здоровье

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