Гиперкоагуляция при Ковид-19

Apr 22, 2020 23:20

Врачей настораживает то, что тяжелые больные Ковид-19 имеют сильно повышенную склонность к тромбообразованию.

""The number of clotting problems I'm seeing in the ICU, all related to Covid-19, is unprecedented," Dr. Jeffrey Laurence, a hematologist at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City, wrote in an email to CNN. "Blood clotting problems appear to be widespread in severe Covid."

..doctors have a hunch that Covid patients might be clotting even more than other ICU patients.
...Dr. Behnood Bikdeli, who helped coordinate the international coalition of physicians looking into the clotting issue, called those numbers "alarming."
The Dutch study of 184 patients in the ICU with Covid-19-related pneumonia found that more than 20% were having clotting issues. A study of 81 similarly ill patients in Wuhan, China, found a 25% incidence of clots.
Например, довольно редкое осложнение  в виде ампутации ноги при коронавирусе- следствие тромбоза вены конечности и безуспешности попыток "разжижения" тромба и снижения свертываемости крови. Так же,  при Ковид-19 более частые тромбы- в легких, почках, внутренних органах, сердце (привет, инфаркт миокарда) или мозге (инсульт). Что приводит к множестенному отказу органов, и, как результату, смерти больного.
Да, именно потому человек заболел Ковид 19,  и умер, например,  дома от инфаркта или инсульта, но причина- она ведь в коронавирусе. Не только ТОРС (СОРД) или тяжелая пневмония -результаты инфекции САРС2 и болезни Ковид-19..
Еще примеры необычности сгусткообразования в крови от американских врачей:
"Dr. Kathryn Hibbert's Covid-19 patient in the intensive care unit was not doing well. As his blood pressure plummeted, she tried to insert an intravenous line into an artery in his wrist. A blood clot clogged the tubing.Frustrated, Hibbert tried again with a new needle. A blood clot clogged up that line as well.It took three tries to insert the IV." You just watch it clot right in front of you," said Hibbert, director of the medical intensive care unit at Massachusetts General Hospital. "It's rare to have that happen once, and extremely rare to have that happen twice.
Hibbert and other doctors are finding that some patients infected with the novel coronavirus have a propensity towards developing blood clots, which can be life threatening if the clot travels to the heart or lungs.
..Hibbert described how a nurse recently had to constantly administer a blood thinner called heparin to a Covid-19 patient while the patient was undergoing kidney dialysis, because clots kept clogging up the tubing in the machine.
"We had the nurse at the bedside pushing heparin to keep the machine from clotting off. That's very rare," Hibbert said.

Laurence and his colleagues looked at autopsies on two patients and found blood clots in the lungs and just beneath the surface of the skin, according to a study published last week. They also found blood clots beneath the skin's surface on three living patients.
In the Netherlands, a study found "remarkably high" rates of clotting among Covid patients in the ICU.
An international consortium of experts from more than 30 hospitals gathered to consider the issue. Their conclusion: It's unclear exactly why, but coronavirus patients may be predisposed to having clots.
"It's out of the norm, and we're wondering, are blot clots one of the reasons why these patients are dying," said Dr. Todd Rice, an associate professor of medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville.
Fixing these clotting issues can be tricky.
While a low dose of blood thinners to prevent clots is generally considered low risk, that might not be enough to prevent clots in some patients. Giving larger doses, however, could make a patient bleed excessively, which can be deadly."

Так что хорошо бы и с этим разобраться. Как лечить и предотвращать.
А если эта склонность у переболевших останется, или, если тромбы, сформироовавшиеся во время болезни, будут отрываться попозже (после выписки)- будет  пролонгированная смертность от Ковид-19, спустя дни, недели, месяцы или может даже годы после выздоровления- от инфаркта легких, желудка, сердца, могза, итп..

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