Mar 26, 2008 01:21
realizations abound! first of all, i have realized the main things that piss me off at work.
1) incompetence. if you can't do your job, why the fuck are you here? if you haven't been fired after a month, your boss is incompetent!
2) hypocrisy. if you tell me to keep busy but i find you planning your upcoming cruise on company time, you're a complete fucktard!
3) favoritism. special treatment for anybody really just destroys morale, is completely unfair and is often founded on shady ass biases.
to fix any and all of these problems, i suggest a simple plan. first of all, stop being a douche. second of all, pull your weight goddammit. thirdly, STOP BEING A MOTHERFUCKING DOUCHE!
secondly, i have realized which people at work make me want to beat children.
1) Shifty Cesar. Incompetent in the extreme! Promoted well beyond his station, he regularly does more harm than good in any situation. He can charm most people with his style, but there is no substance underneath. To compound this atrocity, he is in the second most powerful position at work. How the fuck did he get there? Good god damn people, fire his ass yesterday.
2) ATL Mary. Hypocritical in the extreme. She plays favorites in an incredibly blatant manner. She will harp on some for being a few minutes late but respond with an, "oh you..." when others are 15 minutes late. She is almost always up in the office dicking around, shmoozing and being a generally useless cunt. When downstairs, she is mainly a bother, a terror and a bitch. She has lapsed in her abilities, remove her from the store.
3) Supervisor Elaine. Don't get me wrong, she is one of the nicest old ladies I have ever had the pleasure to meet, but she shouldn't be a supervisor. She cannot handle the stress. She gets frazzled way too quickly, takes every customer's remarks personally and then proceeds to put everybody else on the floor on edge. She's a good cashier however, so just demote her. She can even keep her supervisor's pay.
So yesterday was the best day ever because... None of these people were working! All my coworkers were cool and they all pulled their weight. Today sucked mighty balls so hard the I wanted to put babies in a meat grinder because... All of these people were working! Yay! Remind me to tell Fonna not to schedule me when they're there. If that means closing every night, so be it!
What this all really boils down to, is respect. Respect others, respect yourself, respect the environment. If you don't, you're really quite useless.