Title: Where the Road Ends (Chapter Twenty-Seven)
Pairing: Chuck/Casey
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 9k
Warnings: Language, adult themes, m/m intense situations.
Beta: (
adderlygirl) She continues to save you from having to suffer through the awkward bits. And grammar no-nos. Those, too. Thank you!
Spoilers: None
Author’s note:
The Road hiatus is over! Apologies that this took much longer than planned, but we’ll be on our regular roll now. There are about five chapters left in the entire trilogy (!).
You may need to revisit
Chapter Twenty-Six - or you may vaguely recall a blanket in the sand where we left them after a slight workout.
My master list of works (including Books 1 and 2 of this series) can be found here,
The Shiny Master List of Everything! The third book of this trilogy started here:
Chapter One, Where the Road Ends Where the Road Ends
Chapter Twenty-Seven