Title: All We Leave Behind Us (Chapter Five Part Two)
Pairing: Chuck/Casey
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 12k
Warnings: Language
Beta: (
adderlygirl) She gave me great advice, as usual. Thanks for sticking with me through another story!
Spoilers: Up to Chuck vs. the Crown Vic
This chapter will be posted in TWO entries, so please jump to the next.
The Finale! Later than I wanted, but here we go ....
Three months in LA was not anything John Casey hoped for when he agreed to chase down the new Intersect. It went against the usual formula - in, kill, out - and one that he never had a problem with up until now. But this time, thanks to an unforeseen twist, he’s stuck here wearing Lederhosen and serving up corndogs as a cover, while protecting the most unlikely human canister ever to be stuffed with the government’s precious secrets when he’s off the clock. And it’s a nerd, of all things.
Christmas Eve has sailed in, and things would have a tendency to get touchy-feely - if Casey let himself have a feeling. Instead, the holiday is the cue for him to do what he does best - without remorse, without sticky human emotions, and no one is going to tell him otherwise.
Well, almost no one.
The story started
here. My master list of works (including Books 1 and 2 of this series) can be found here,
The Shiny Master List of Everything! All We Leave Behind Us
Chapter Five (Part Two)