it's kinda sad and says a lot about me that i was thinking about the new monthly curriculum at work on the 1st before i remembered that it was my brother's 23rd birthday! total sister fail... although, i've never been much of a sister figure anyway to both of my brothers ^_^;; you can tell i was the spoiled brat of the pack :P thank gawd for facebook! i messaged him and he replied back with a little heart emoticon and thanks ^_^
it's funny how your siblings change as they become adults, and i guess it's also how you change as you mature mentally as well. kinda makes me wish that Kay has some siblings, too. Lord knows that Kay is dying for a baby brother and has voiced her opinion on being an only child many times. that's all because of the fact that there are more children and young adults here in Fukuoka than in, say, Tokyo. :P everywhere you go here, you see families of AT LEAST two. the average amount of kids that i see around here are three. you know how Japan is suffering from an aging population and how no one is having any more kids? i can honestly say that you could never tell if you were living here ^_^;;
so whenever she sees her classmates' families or we go over for a playdate, she's always saying that she wants a baby brother like S-chan, or I-chan, or N-chan ^_^;; i just kind of have to tell her, "what will be will be...and go talk to your father about this" ^_^;;
speaking of hubs, he got that bread maker i posted about last time. it arrived last week and he's been having a FIELD DAY with it ^_^ it's funny how much he looks like a kid when the bread is baking. the reason why we decided on getting a bread maker is because it saves us money since our household eats more bread than a usual Japanese family, so it adds up to a lot even if the 6 piece or 5 piece loaves are around 70 yen at the store. however, since we get the ingredients in bulk, it saves us a lot in the long run. also, we know what goes into the bread we make. hubs has calculated the cost of making a small loaf at home each time, and he says that it averages around 85 yen for a regular loaf of white bread (5-6 pieces). so, if the store bought bread is lower than it's production cost, what in the world are they putting in the bread? ya know? ^_^;; well, that's what hubs is saying.
for those living outside of Japan, there has been a
HUGE scandal going around with high end hotels lying to their customers about what they put in the food that they serve. that plus all the stuff that's leaking from Fukushima into the ocean around Japan is starting to make us question if the food here is really safe to eat... so, that's prompted hubs to up his game and be more careful of what we put in our bodies :P although, he still won't go organic, because he can't look past the price tag ^_^;; can you tell that i've totally given up the kitchen to him? ^_~
anyway, he's made about four different types of bread so far, pulling recipes from and the recipe book that came with the bread maker. :) Kay's helping too since it's just measuring and dumping the ingredients into the machine. today they made my favorite mochi rice bread, which was exactly like the buns i used to buy from the bakery that cost around 200 yen! hubs made a whole loaf for half that price! so yay for being thrifty, and yay for making awesome yummy bread!! ^_^
tomorrow, i've got a day off! gonna have a mommy day with Kay in search of getting her a wallet to hold her allowance...also to do some window shopping, wear my new cute shoes, and relieve some stress ^_^