making a visit back to the states...maybe?

Nov 07, 2009 10:17

i was going to say "going home" but Virginia doesn't seem like home as much anymore...

i've been so busy translating (got two cases that i SHOULD be working on right now...), taking care of a feverish sick Kay, and trying to keep myself from getting sick that it totally slipped my mind: we are THINKING about making a trip back to old VA :)

note: i said THINKING and not planning, because it's just a little too early for planning right now.

our idea is to go back sometime in Spring. dunno if it's gonna be next year or the year after, but we want to come back during that time. we'll probably do what we did when we went down south to visit my sister and my nephew: split up. so i'll be taking Kay with me first and staying there for X amount of days, and then hubby'll be coming later and staying for a week.

as far as things he wants to see, he's not much for the touristy types of places. he's more into the local stuff like the library, supermarkets, etc. i personally want to go to Busch Gardens, but dunno if that'll happen with at toddler in tow.

i might be going with my sister as well, 'cause she plans on taking little Xavier back to see his grandparents, but dunno when that will be either.

so, those are all the ideas that we've thought about right now. i'll keep everyone updated as things develop.


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