Remember when 2 pigeons toke over my potential flat.

Jul 12, 2005 22:58

I might be getting my own flat finally this friday, not sure yet though cause the deposit is huge and i am struggling abit to get it together. Anyhow, went to check it again today, its more sufficient then i thought, but the Mezzaine studio would probably not fit anyone who has a bigger 'package' then me. Mezz studio is those high ceiling apartments tiny apartments, where everything is self contained which i love, but the bed is on the so called 2nd floor (that is only max 70cm high). Its a bit of a struggle, but oh well as long as i have a good night sleep and remind my self to crawl out instead its ALL good. The carpet is comparable to the orange carpet i had in Guelph, so i plan to do the same thing to it, yup Mb/steph, i plan to cover it! HOwever, due to limited resources/$$$ it might take me awhile to cover every patch on the floor. When the landlord opened the door, there were 2 pigeons in the room, apparently they've been chillin there for awhile b/c i saw leaves and crap next to the matress (love birds trying to build a nest... how sweet...i wonder why they didn't choose the matress!! ahah) so i was like um... theres pigeons shit all over the carpet, so unless u get it cleaned up , i ain't gonna move in. THose shitters..they'll be back.

As for my frantic job search, I have an interview tomorrow, and then another one on thurs. so its more promising now... but still went to "office angels" which is a recruitment centre and applied there. I don't get why FDA get paid less then secretaries/PA... i don't get it, we deal with more shit then they do. Anyhow, its something my sister would like, the office is pink, they even wrote the notepads in pink... everything is pretty pretty, it kinda made me felt sick and nauseous.

My uncle updated me about Skype which is free phone on the internet, its freakin awesome and its really clear.

I won't have internet next week cause i'll be moving out of Leslies place, I am gonna miss it, its soo nice, haha, but I guess i'll just have to find myself another ghetto internet cafe. Joy! Oh yes, and if i do get the flat, I hope ppl will start to come and visit me cause then i'll have room, well not really, but good enough, the pigeons will be waiting.
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