
Jun 15, 2004 00:08

argh it's June and I know it because my eyes are itchy, i'm sneezing, and I have to blow my nose every so often :@. This happens to me every year that I've been in Toronto. As a kid, I got hay fever a few times but it went away as I got older. I moved to Toronto in June 2001 and right away I had all these allergy symptoms. I've learned that over the past 3 years, this cycle of mine lasts for 3 or 4 weeks. After that, I'll be okay...but it still sucks! I've also got this horrible shirt/farmer's tan going right now...maybe I should wear sunblock next time. Anyways, I was looking over some plane tickets and I think the dates for my visit will be June 25 - July 5. Mark them down on your calendars! It's a shame that tetae will have left a few days before I got back though.
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