22. Two Brothers by Ben Elton Ben Elton is a British stand-up comedian. His Jewish family fled the Nazis to England, where his uncle made a military career. His cousin, an Arian boy adapted into a Jewish family, stayed in Germany, was drafted into Wehrmacht, and, as it appeared, at some point the two young men were literally fighting each other in Italy. Elton used this fact to build an amazingly intricate intrigue about fictional siblings, a Jewish boy and an adapted Arian kid. They were born on the 24 February 1920, and on the same day, writes Elton, another baby came into the world, at the Hofbräuhaus Bierkeller in Munich, and was christened “National Socialist German Workers Party”. From that moment on, the three were inseparable and their destinies intertwined. Only one out of the three would survive the war… Elton is not a great writer, and his prose could have been better. But, in this book he has managed to build up a fantastic (in both senses of the word) family saga that keeps the readers both moved and captivated, and where the mystery of the narrator (the surviving brother) and other characters is only revealed in the last chapters.
22. Two Brothers by Ben Elton
Ben Elton is a British stand-up comedian. His Jewish family fled the Nazis to England, where his uncle made a military career. His cousin, an Arian boy adapted into a Jewish family, stayed in Germany, was drafted into Wehrmacht, and, as it appeared, at some point the two young men were literally fighting each other in Italy. Elton used this fact to build an amazingly intricate intrigue about fictional siblings, a Jewish boy and an adapted Arian kid. They were born on the 24 February 1920, and on the same day, writes Elton, another baby came into the world, at the Hofbräuhaus Bierkeller in Munich, and was christened “National Socialist German Workers Party”. From that moment on, the three were inseparable and their destinies intertwined. Only one out of the three would survive the war… Elton is not a great writer, and his prose could have been better. But, in this book he has managed to build up a fantastic (in both senses of the word) family saga that keeps the readers both moved and captivated, and where the mystery of the narrator (the surviving brother) and other characters is only revealed in the last chapters.
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