Dawkins, Harris, Dennet, and Hitchens talk at a table, hour 1 Hour 2 http://richarddawkins.net/article,2025,THE-FOUR-HORSEMEN,Discussions-With-Richard-Dawkins-Episode-1-RDFRS They had a great idea on denying religious organizations tax exempt status. I think this is absolutely critical in stopping the upcoming political slide into christian theocracy in this country.
My appreciation for Mr. Hitchens has only increased after viewing this. Harris comes across as the total tool that he comes across as in his book, Dennet is rather humorless and Dawkins is uncomfortably earnest, but fair and charitable. Admittedly, Hitchens has the best debating skills and not always the best substance.
"it's a good old Norse booze up, why the hell not?" -Hitchens on cristmass.
I don't like Harris's focus on Islam. A good atheist(such as myself) thinks it's all flying spaghetti monsters, not some sick way to pick on one particular group. "They[religions] are all equally rotten, false, dangerous ... The Amish can't hurt me, but they can sure hurt the people in their community"- Hitchen's response to Harris's Islamaphobia, when Harris picked the Amish as a "benign" religion and Islam as a "malignant" one. Honestly, I'm fairly disturbed by Harris. He has no regard for the people inside of the religion who are the most hurt by religion. He generalizes to an almost criminal extent; the fact that there are many types of Islam and not every single adherent is a suicide bomber seems to elude him.
look, a pretty solstice picture!