when i sat down to write this i had an idea

Sep 18, 2006 13:03

But then, again faced with the buffer, the idea is forgotten. So here's how i've been dealing with the unknowable void lately:

I've been making it to around three classes a week, which has vastly improved my practice. I'm now thinking that poses such as scorpion might happen in the next year, rather than the next incarnation. I've been especailly happy with the sunday morning teacher, Trevor. He manages to chose one pose and then build an entire ninety minute power/vinyasa around it. The most challenging one has been lotus. And I've always found lotus a completely unchallenging pose, though, doing it in headstand gets added difficulty. Yesterday was Eagle, again a pose which agrees with my body usually. However, today I am so sore. Downward dog with eagle legs, shoulderstand/headstand with eagle legs, warrior three with eagle arms... it's a lot more challenging than simply holding eagle for a few minutes on each side.

Corrin is deciding to test my limits. It's great that she is starting to define her indivdual. However, the frustration on both our parts is great. She does not yet have the dex to tie her shoes, yet, she wants to spend fifteen minutes trying to do so. When I want to get out the door in a more timely fashion, such as, I need to get coffee or risk turning into a raving betch. But, I understand that one must and perhaps can only learn from one's mistakes. So since I am not released from samsara, I must work on my detachment. And not letting a three foot tall two year old reduce me to tears. Yet, even though I intellectually understand this, we both are reduced to tears twice a week.

Corrin had her second birthday check up and is officially, again, really fucking tall. It's a little odd, she's taller than some of the three year olds, and they are all "why can't she talk yet?" Oh well. At least she is almost all daytime potty trained. The potty training went really well, I was way surprised. She really wanted to do it and is supper cooperative. I'm getting the feeling that she didn't like diapers much more than I did.

the rest
I tried to take a bioinformatics class this quarter at a local university. But they cancelled it, and I am spleened. Maybe next time, or maybe I should just apply to a better school which doesn't cancel all its classes. I donno, i still feel a need to do something else, as I have covered here before. Preferably something which involes more mental exertion.

I've also decided I need to be less antisocial. Corrin has been displaying some antisocialness, and I'd really she didn't inheirit that trait from me.

ok, i'll do another entry with some more MLP when i get back to a real machine. The nokia box is nice, portable, and great for writing on at a cafe without dragging pounds of gear, but... the UI has some definate crap parts. Such as cut and paste between apps and good tabbed browsing. Also my bluetooth keyboard insists on messing up the symbols and I would really just like to have an app where i could map keys. That would be excellent.
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