Jul 19, 2004 16:30
I never did tell you what the big news was, did I? Always hinting at it, promising to tell you, and then never delivering. I hate when others do that; and yet I here I am: guilty. Shame on me.
The big news is that I'm going to school. Let's first rewind to the Christmas holidays: when my life seemed to be just at the lowest point I could possibly reach. Work was (and continues to be) unbearable; I was seriously conptemplating quitting and hoping I could find another job before I got destitute. This really did almost happen; if my boss hadn't been away on vacation at the time, I'm sure I would've walked into his office and said "I've had it; I'm leaving as of right now." My friends and my brother were very supportive, but cautioned against just walking out. The job market is not as rosy as people on the news will lead you to believe. After weighing several different options, I decided something in my current life had to change. If I couldn't quit my job, I should try to change my duties and what's expected of me. That's not really working out as well as I'd like, but the whole job situation deserves a separate post unto itself. The other decision I made was to go back to school; a constructive change and one which would force me to stop working these insane 10- and 12-hour days.
So, the next decision was: what to study? I decided that there was no point in going for some lofty, highfalutin' intellectual course of study, basically because I had no desire to invest years and years of my time. I'm old; time's not exactly running out, but I want to spend more time enjoying life, not writing research papers. I could barely manage that when I was in school the first time, heh. My friend D.I. is studying to be an Occupational Therapist; she's been going to school part time for 3 years now, and she's utterly frazzled by the demands of her job and of school. I'm not a masochist; I don't want to subject myself to that.
Cutting to the chase, what I decided to study was cosmetology.
Yes, I'm going to beauty school. (Laugh, if you must. I don't mind.)
I began classes on March 15th; the day after I got home from Sweden. (Boy, that seems like a long time ago, already.) Five nights a week, from 5:30 to 9:30, for a whole year. We just finished the first quarter; we all feel like it's been much longer than that. While not exactly grueling, it is more challenging than I had thought. And I'm still doing 10-hour days, although 4 of those hours are my choice, heh.
And now it's 4:30; time to turn off all this rotten technology and go to class. This is the worst time of the day because I get to see all the work that I didn't get accomplished today, which is very disheartening. But I am still leaving promptly at 4:45; whatever's undone can wait until tomorrow or next week or whenever I get to it.
So yeah. Go me.
Inspirational song lyric du jour:
I want to know fun and feeling before I die
I don't want to spend time with people who don't like me
I'd rather walk on by
and let 'em get on
get on
get on with what they're doing
--Curve, "Want More, Need Less"