Personal update

May 05, 2009 20:06

This semester is all but over: I took my Greek final and had my last day of Spirituality on Monday, I turned in my Greek and Latin papers on Friday, and I led my last discussion for Christianity and Culture on Friday. All that's left is to proctor and grade the Christianity and Culture finals on Friday and to take my Latin final on Friday. Then, to celebrate, we'll go see Star Trek, a movie I've been looking forward to for two years!

It has been a difficult semester, on par with my first semester here, which was a big shock. My Greek class has actually been rather easy because I was significantly further along in my study of Greek than the other students. Latin, however, has been absurdly hard -- impossible, even. We have read about 400 pages of Latin this semester, which is unreasonable. A lot of it -- maybe 150 pages -- I never read. What I did read I did not fully understanding because I had to read it so quickly. I was able to do more once I started reading the Latin alongside an English translation, which is not an ideal method. Unfortunately, I'll be taking another class with the same professor next semester, but it will be prose composition, so he won't be assigning any reading. I'm re-reading some of the texts for the final, but my motivation is low because I know that I can't re-read (or read for the first time as the case may be) it all, or even half of it. The unreasonable homework load has diminished somewhat my love of Latin. If he assigned half what he does, I probably would've worked harder than I actually did because I would've had an achievable goal.

In addition to celebrating with Star Trek, we're going to take a trip to NYC next week. We're going to take a long tour because I love tours, and we're going to see a musical, possibly Wicked (at Marty Rawls's suggestion!) if it's not too much more money than the other musicals. We're also gonna go to some sort of Bible museum!

I'll be working part-time at the library this summer, with panache62. I may not try to find another job to pick up more hours. While working at the library, I am going to read some more French, so that I can take the French exam in August, which is required for my degree. I don't think it should be too hard since I had five semesters of French at WSU. I also want to do more research and writing to see if I can finish something that I could try to get published in a journal. I'll also be reading more Latin and Greek and would like to learn some basic Hebrew (the alphabet, for starters), so that I can use Hebrew resources when looking at Old Testament passages.

I've been re-reading the Harry Potter series this semester, and I've really sped up recently. I'm most of the way through book four. I love reading the books because there is so much in them that (necessarily, of course) gets cut out of the books (the house-elves, for instance, and Percy Weasley, Ludo Bagman, and Weasley Wizard Wheezes). I love how much happens in the first 200 pages of the fourth book that is extremely compressed into a few minutes of the movie. It's very interesting, although the rapid action of the movie has its own appeal.

french, school, life, greek, latin, harry potter, hebrew, star trek

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