I'm having a good day

Jul 20, 2008 18:56

Today I found out that I'm finally getting the job I've wanted for a while: a Teaching Assistantship at my school. Although this throws my planned schedule for the semester into some confusion, it means two very wonderful things: 1) the necessary job experience to become a Teaching Fellow in the spring, next fall, or next spring (depending how long I'm a TA); 2) Double our monthly income. Not only will this relieve the stress that comes from worrying about making ends meet, but we will be able to use the extra money to pay off our car loan a lot sooner, namely this school year instead of in two or three years! It's hard to describe how happy this news made me. It's a dream come true. It's especially nice after not getting a TA position for the last two semesters and for not getting the two TF positions I applied for as well as the adjunct position I applied for at a nearby university (in that case it was because they had already filled the position, though they said they would alert me of future openings).

To celebrate this great news (as well as my wife's very similar great news), we bought some delicious ice cream and are going to see The Dark Knight, for which I have outrageously high expectations. (We also happen to have free movie passes which someone gave us for Christmas that we've been saving forever). They were high to begin with because I loved Batman Begins and because the anticipation for the movie was so high, but now they are even higher after seeing that Roger Ebert gave it four stars and that people are talking (perhaps unrealistically) about Heath Ledger getting a posthumous Oscar for his role as the Joker!

teaching assistantship, movies, job, money, life, batman

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