One Tree Hill

Oct 12, 2009 21:14

This is the part where I gush, yet again, over how incredibly awesome Alex and Millie are together.  EEEE!  You GUYS.  I just love them so much.  I love that they continue to do their tequila two-way, with Alex trying to live vicariously through Millie's buzz and then refusing her limes because, guess what, she wants tequila but can't have it, so Millie gets to suffer too.

But more importantly.....say what you will about Alex.  She may be flighty, and shallow, and they might be trying to shoehorn her in as Brulian Spoiler '09.  But she believes in Millicent.  She wants her to know and understand that she's beautiful and sexy and awesome.  Yes, she wants her to be a model.....but she also came out and said "If you don't like it, quit!"  Alex's main concern seems to be that Millie do what SHE wants to do.  And anyone who believes in Millicent's happiness and fights for it.....well, they're totally fine by me.

On that note....

Dear Mouth:  Are you EVER going to stop being an asshat?  Seriously, man.  You lost your job (or at least, your prime position) because you were trying to get Nathan's back, and yet I still don't feel sorry for you.

Yes, I think they're trying to make the producer as childish as possible, and I'm sure we're supposed to be like "Aww, don't mean to poor wittle Marvin!"  But honestly, I don't CARE about anybody being mean to poor wittle Marvin.  In fact, when Millie called him out on his high-and-mighty attitude, I gave her a standing ovation.  True story.  He has NO RIGHT to belittle her and make her feel like crap because for ONCE in her life, she put somebody else in front of him and actually - dear god - had FUN.  If he was truly concerned that she hadn't come home, then I would understand that.....but he was so whiny and petulant that I got the feeling he wasn't concerned, he was just pissed off that she was enjoying herself.

It was obvious that modeling was something that Millie was interested in, something that might make her happy and make her feel more confident in herself.  But Mouth wouldn't even let her have that.  Instead, he acted like she was some drunken slut because she went out ONE night.  I really get the impression that Mouth wants her to be as miserable as she is, and to that I say - SHUT UP MOUTH.

I seem to say that a lot.

Alex and Julian....I didn't really buy it as anything too sneaky or secretive, though I can see why Brooke is getting a little unhinged over it.  Julian doesn't seem to harbor any crazy desires for Alex, he's just like "Dude, AWKWARD.  Put on your clothes!"  As far as Alex goes....I don't think it's just about "Ooh, he's hot, I want to sleep with him."  He's the first person to go "You can actually DO something besides pose and read lines", and I feel like she has no real idea how to deal with that.  Her first inclination is to lean towards sex and seduction, because that's just what she does.  Rather than any kind of romance, I see the potential here for a good friendship that makes Alex feel better about herself (kind of the way she does for Millicent).  But naturally, it's going to get all screwed up, what with Brooke's jealousy (which again - I totally understand) and the fact that Alex WILL more than likely push for a relationship, rather than friendship, because she doesn't know how to BE "just friends" with a guy.

I also might be reading more into Alex than I need to be because I really, really want her to be one of the good guys.  Misguided, yes, but still good.

Like I said, I get Brooke's jealousy for many reasons.  Victoria planted that seed, but beyond that.....she knows that Alex has used sex to get guys before.  She knows that Julian is bored and just looking for something to do.  And knowing Brooke, she probably feels like her life is going too good and of course it's somehow going to be ruined.  So yes, I get it....I just hate that her insecurities are more than likely going to lead to her downfall.  Sigh.

However - "Does Brooke Davis need to slap a bitch?" was made of win.

Is it bad that I kind of handwaved the Nathan/Haley story?  I mean, it was interesting, but there were things that threw me a little.  I know it was a throwaway line, but I wasn't a huge fan of Nathan sassing the cops.  Dude, they're just doing their job.  Even Haley herself told Jamie not to be mad at the cops, because it's not like they sat around and said "Hey, let's arrest Haley James Scott today!"

Also - I get that Nathan is having a rough time, and Clay not-really-sleeping-with Quinn is awkward for him, but more than once during this episode, I grumbled at my TV, "Jesus, Nathan, he gets to have a life of his own."  While I'm glad that he likes/feels protective of David (I do, too!), I don't think it's just about that.  I really get the vibe of "This is weird FOR ME, so it needs to stop because you're mine and you do what I tell you."  (And not in that boyfriendly way they've got going).

So yes, I was pleased to see Clay ignore all of that and continue to be a shoulder for Quinn, because it seems obvious that she needs one.  The thing is.....I really do like David, and I think Quinn's whole reasons for ending the marriage are iffy at best.  But at the same time - she's made her choice.  She doesn't need Haley or Nathan or anyone else giving her shit because she's not going back to David.  Hell, she and Haley were having a nice little chat about Haley and Nathan, and Haley still managed to turn it back to "You really need to get over your crap and get back with David."  If you all like the guy so much, do you really want him stuck with a woman who's just not that interested anymore?

The story also fell a little flat for me because, now that Haley is having doubts about Nathan, it's so obvious that he didn't do anything.  Isn't that how it always goes?  I was surprised that Haley called the number and it did belong to Renee, though.  I thought it was going to be some random number (Clay's!) that Nathan normally calls, but nobody would think to actually check it out.  So, hmm.  Interesting.  But again....when they start making it look like Nathan might have done it, you know he didn't.

I do like that he gets Haley's reluctance, though.  Yes, it pisses him off in a way, but he can see where she's coming from, as much as it sucks.

So we all knew from the get-go that Clay and Quinn didn't actually sleep together, right?  That wasn't a huge surprise for me.

Dan Scott did not get any particularly exciting lines tonight, so I am saddened by that.  I still bet that he's going to try and ruin Renee....or strangle her with his beloved licorice twists.  Either/or.

Chase and Mia.....adorable, as always.  However, I get the awful feeling that this newfound interest of Chase's is going to lead to an airplane crash in which someone's (Mia's?  Nathan's?  Mouth's?) lives are hanging in the balance.  And that also makes me sad.....unless it's Mouth.  And then, you know - go Chase!  I always liked you, buddy!

I might be jumping the gun, though.  Like anytime Jamie walks by a body of water and I'm like "Near-drowning!  It's going to happen!" and it doesn't.  Clearly, this show has ramped up my threshold for death-defying drama.

And don't think I didn't notice the offhand mention of Chris Keller.  No, they didn't speak his name - they probably thought the audience would fall apart weeping - but I knew who Nathan was talking about.  Oh, yes, I did.  YOU CAN'T FOOL ME, SHOW.


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