The Facebook panopticon

Feb 19, 2007 13:05

My friend Vijay critisized facebook as yet another online community that wears away at our ability to interact socially.

I disagreed. I said it gives more chances for old friends to meet up again. That friend you haven't spoken to in months suddenly posts a picture of her face covered in mud, and you make a witty comment about seeing Jesus in the smear on her cheek. Facebook with its aptitude for pictures and silly groups are marvellous conversation-starters for the hearts-grown-fonder.

Yet, I fear that my absence is tainted by my constant e-presence! Like a panopticon, I am watching you, and yet I am not! Instead, you avoid talking about your notes in the fear of repeating yourself, and yet I (having not read most of them) avoid asking about them. My friend, Andrea, has over 16 albums of Europe, and I still have not looked at one. As silly as it sounds, I fear speaking with her about Europe for then the light of how much I truly know will shine! "You know... Matt... he's in every other picture. You *must* have seen him."

Too much is left uncertain! I hold thee in superposition! You both *have* read this post and have *not*, and now I avoid all paths which require one but not the other! This is why I find myself torn between using my LiveJournal and abandoning it entirely.

This is technology advancing further than my social skills can cope with.
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