Not For The Faint Of Heart; See Also: Those Crazy Danes

Sep 14, 2009 03:43

If you ever wonder how the worlds of yeast-dough pastry and cut-butter pastry collide to make kringle (it sounds impossible or at the least a very bad idea, I know), I point you to the original O&H recipe which has multiple steps which are explained, which is an awful lot more than I had to go on the other day:

Oh, I was livid when that was pulled out of the recipe box and placed in front of me. "Why don't you make some kringle?" she tells me. Gragggggh. Compare: 24 (specific, detailed) steps vs 5 steps. Livid, I say.

(I recommend almond paste filling actually, or apricot paste. Or if you want to be true to those crazy Danes' idea of St. Patrick's Day, green-food-coloring-dyed pinapple paste. It . . . it . . . it is a thing to behold.)

As it happens I will be once more travelling to the mildly chilled northland-this time to Thunder Bay-and might be able to pick up a kringle on the way back. It seems a ways to go but I still figure it is less work than making the stuff by hand.

Suggestions for sight-seeing in Thunder Bay appreciated, and I might even convince us to swing by Chicago too for Fluevogs to visit slamskatkitten on the way home too. For those of you not in the mildly chilled northland, this is your opportunity to request a postal card! Or you could rely on the random assortment of addresses I might take with me, but really, it is not all that reliable. Comments will be screened, leave a name and mailing address &c and so forth.

(If you think I am fleeing my city because world leaders and insanity will soon be descending upon it, you would not be wrong.)

desirable edibles, gallivants, the city by the lake, post, recipe

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