It Really Is A Large-Scale Practical Joke

Jul 04, 2006 23:11

Some times I feel like I ought to just keep this small questionnaire on my person for any new people I might meet. Just to get all of the peculiarness over with as fast as possible.

Poll Please select all that apply.

Do not be alarmed if you answered a disproportionately large number of these. You have met the universe's highly specifc criteria for knowing me. It was probably only a matter of time before our paths crossed. I'm sure we'll get along swinningly. No, I was not consulted about these criteria. And no, I don't understand the thing about Houston either. It just is.
(Edit: OH YES MAKE A LIAR OF ME, POLL. The Houston thing is true, I swear. Just not for anyone on lj.)

I've been self indulgent today and created a syndicate feed for miss_ess's blog, because I can never remember to log into myspace often enough to read it. miss_ess . . . who lived in Saudi Arabia before moving to Houston, estranged from her father, and scarily enough like me that we finish each other's thoughts. Yes. That Miss S-.

Also, I have muffins.

poll, expect the unexpected

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