Does anyone remember the
Sonic comic scan posts I used to do? After...*checks* 3 years, here's another one! Scans come from some random Sonic & Sonic X comics. Once I get more Sonic Universe issues I might do posts with them too ┐(´ー`)
Lots of pictures behind the cut, so obviously not bandwidth-friendly.
of Eggman cosplay & robot catfights )
- Why does a Thorndyke costume exist in Eggman's size at all? DD:
- That single "Oh" panel with Eggman and Tanaka? Priceless. That would totally go on my office fridge. :P
- Rouge/Topaz date! *boogie dance* Also, Emerl is totally ripping off Mewtwo. :P EACH TIME YOU SAY, "WHO AM I? WHAT AM I?" MEWTWO IS BEING PAYED ROYALTIES.
- Cream and the zombie kids = scarred forever. D:
- I love how they copy-pasted Rouge's pose for two panels. XD LAZYYYYYYYY.
- Augh, I don't like the way the comic colors Shadow's eyelids. D: Though I'm rofling at the Metal/Shadow action. "SIZZLING SWATBOYS!!!" I love how Shadow's expression is like his reaction to that horrible line. XD
- Hee hee, Shadow wants to hug Sonic, so he drags his arm around his neck~
- "You don't know Sonic as well as I!" Awwww~! Dunno why, but that gives me the warm fuzzies.
- I could do without the wig, but Knux didn't look bad in Sally's vest and boots. And wow, Sonic really is enthusiastic there. :P
- Poor Metal. :( The only time he shows up in that cover is through the font.
- Yay for classic strip! X333 And we get to see the full version this time~ ♥ Oh boy oh boy oh boy~ The memories~ ♥♥♥
- "Say, does the steam seem to be getting thicker to you?" THAT KIND OF HAPPENS WHEN YOU HAVE HOT PASSIONATE SEX, BOYS.
- "My ankle's shot!" "Stfu, I'm your wife, quit complaining."
- Don't worry Knuckles, I'm sure your performance as Princess Sally brought home the Tony that night. :o
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