Dec 28, 2004 20:33
heyy buddie`sz l0L . w0w im a tad bit hypeR . but ne wh0o im gunna update since Last niite . kk weLL Last niite afteR i updated i went t0 euRica`sz h0use . heR nd heR madRe came nd picked me up nd we went t0 heR cRibb wen we g0t theRe we decided t0 take a L0ng waLk 0utsiide s0 that`sz wat we did . we seem t0 have s0 much funn just chyLLen aR0und heR neighb0Rh0od . but ne wayy`sz s0 yeah i sLept 0veR then t0dayy at 9 o`cL0ck heR madRe w0ke us up t0 g0 t0 the maLL . s0 she dR0pped us 0ff nd we stayed theRe tiLL b0ut 2 . nd then afteR that i went t0 heR h0use wheRe myy m0m picked me up . then at h0me i g0t Rede nd then Left aR0und 6 t0 g0 0ut t0 dinneR wid the fam. kusz it was myy dad`sz bdayy . nd n0w i just g0t h0me fR0m dinneR nd i added s0me pic`sz t0 my a0L pR0fiLe kusz i g0t b0Red . weLL that`sz b0ut aLL i g0tta say . n0w im just taLkin t0 pe0pLe 0nLiine nd chyLLen ! funn funn . l0L t2yL bye x0`*
a quiz i g0t fR0m eRica`sz Lj ..
- first grade teacher : ms.wiLLiamsz [ i think if i memeber c0rrectLy ]
- last person you kissed : let`sz not talk bout him shall we
- last word you sed : heyy
- last song you sang : Liick y0u up nd d0wn
- last person you hugged : some1 fr0m my famiLy
- last thing you laughed at : wht s0me0ne sed t0 me 0nLine
- last time you sed i love you : b0ut 2 sec0nd`sz ag0
- whats in ur cd player : a mixx i made =]
- what socks are you wearing : pLain white wunn`sz
- whats under your bed : an0theR bed
- current taste : candyy cane
- current hair style : scRunched d0wn
- current clothes : camii nd cheeRLeading sh0Rt`sz
- current annoyance : ughh my s0und n0t w0Rking !!
- current longing : t0 find a h0tt guyy htat actuaLLy g0esz t0 pipeR
- current desktop : a bunch 0f pic`sz
- current worry : n0tta thiing =]
- current hate : agenn n0thing
- story behind lj username : it`sz my naiime wRiiten in a kRaszyy wayy
- current favorite article of clothing : haha aLL my cL0the`sz . i d0nt buy ugLy thiing`sz
- favorite physical feature of opposite sex : face
- last cd you bought : pshh i make myy 0wn
- favorite place to be : maLL
- least favorite place : sch0oL
- time you wake up in the morning : sch0oL 6 . ne 0theR dayy weneveR the heLL i feeL Liike it
- believe in after life : yepp
- current favorite saying : dawgg [ l0L eRica ]
- favorite book : umm fLyy geRL
- person from past you could go back and talk to : umm aL0t 0f ppL actuaLLy
- favorite day : MY BiRTHDAYY !!
- where do you want to go : aL0t 0f pLace`sz
- what is your career going to be : a peRs0naL tRaineR
- how many kids do you want : 69 jk !! . umm i dunn0 2 maybe
- what kind of truck will you have : i d0ubt im gunna 0wn a tRuck
- type a line from a book : " i L0ve y0u "
- random lyric : im g0iing kRaszyy
- eye color : bLue
- hair color : diRtyy bL0nde
- righty or lefty : Righty
- zodiac sign : canceR
- innie or outie : innie
- heritage : iRish nd itaLian
- shoes you wore today : white sLip 0n`sz
- your hair : ann0ying
- weakness : beiing smaRt kid l0L
- your fears : anythiing that can kiLL y0u pRetty much
- perfect pizza : i d0nt Liike pizza
- one thing you'd like to achieve : getting stRaiight A`sz [ yeah iLL keep wiishing ]
WHAT iS ..
- your most overused phrase on aim: l0L
- your thoughts waking up : wheRe am i ?
- first feature you notice in the opposite sex : face
- your bedtime : wen i get tiRed
- your most missed memory : hmm i dunn0 b0ut that wunn
- pepsi or coke : c0ke
- mcdonalds or burger king : subwayy =]
- single or group dates : gR0up date`sz
- adidas or nike : nike
- lipton ice or nestea : Lipt0n ice
- chocolate or vanilla : vaniLLa
- cappuccino or coffee : eww n0ne
YES 0R N0 ..
- smoke : have but . N0
- cuss : me ? 0f c0aRse n0t . haha
- sing : i tRy
- take a shower : yupp eveRydayy
- have a crush : yeah
- think you've been in love : yeshh . b0ut a yeaR ag0
- want to go to college : 0f c0aRse . g0tta make that muLaa !
- like highschool : yeah i guess s0
- want to get married : yupp
- type with your fingers on the right keys : uh huh ?
- think your a healt freak : yeah s0metiime`sz
- get along with your parents : umm depend`sz wht they d0 t0 me
- gone on a date : yeah
- eaten an entire box of oreos : eww n0
- eaten sushi : y0u kRaszyy !! heLL n0
- been dumped : n0
- made homemade cookies : n0pe
- been in love : n0
- gone skinny dippinh : n0pe
- dyed your hair : agenn n0
- stolen nethiing : neveR agenn !!
- been trashed or extremely intoxicated : yeah =\
- been caught doing something : yeshh
- gotten beaten up : haha n0
- my name is : CHRiSSY MCCANN
- height : 5'2
- favorite toe : pinkyy lma0
- in the morning : i am tiRedd
- all i need : f0R Liife t0 g0 sm0othLy
- i dream bout : hmm aL0t 0f thing`sz that usuaLLy c0me tRue
- flowers or candy : fL0weR`sz
- tall or short : mediam
- last person you slow danced with : s0me guy at h0mec0ming
- fallen for your best friend : n0pe
- been rejected : n0
- rejected someone : yehh
- been cheated on : yeah
- cheated on someone : n0
- used someone : n0
- done something you regret : yupp
- talked to on the phone : eRica
- hugged : asked this aLRede
- you instant messaged : j0hn
- instant messaged you : j0hn
- you laughed wid : eRica
D0 Y0U \ ARE Y0U ..
- could you live with out the computer : i d0ubt it
- how many ppl on your buddy list : aL0t .. im t0 Lazy t0 add it up
- favorite food : chicken
- favorite fruit : cheRrie`sz
- drink alchol : yeah
- trush others to easily : n0