Dec 27, 2004 20:14
heyy heyy . weLL Liife`sz been g0od LateLy l0L . im s0 much m0Re ReLaxed wen im n0t in sch0oL kusz i d0nt g0tta w0RRy b0ut faiLing 0r ne thiing Liike that . but yeah ne wh0o im gunna update fR0m yesteRday sundayy .
SUNDAYY : hmm 0k weLL in the m0Rning my padRe came 0veR nd h0oked up my new c0mputeR . which i L0ve by the way =] . but yeah nd then afteR that samii came 0veR . i havent seen heR in f0ReveR ! but yeah aLL we did was chyLL in my R0om nd Redue 0uR pR0fiLe`sz . which Lo0k veRyy sexyy if i d0 say s0 myseLf l0L . nd that`sz b0ut it .
T0DAYY | M0NDAYY : weLL t0dayy me nd samii w0ke up nd decided t0 eat bReakfast weLL yeah nd my step-dad had put 0ut m0use tRap`sz bekusz they saw a m0use Last niite weLL it tuRn`sz 0ut the tRap caught it nd yeah the m0use was 0n it ! nd samii decided she wanted t0 save the m0use s0 we caRied it 0utsiide nd weRe Liike haLf wayy d0wn the bL0ck nd we didnt kn0 wat t0 d0 wid the damn thiing . s0 she put it d0wn 0n the stReet nd then weRe Liike n0 we can`t Leave it theRe s0 we bR0ught it bakk in my h0use l0L . but then my paRent`sz came h0me nd they g0t rid 0f it s0 it wasz aLL g0od . but ne wayy aftEr that expeRience we went t0 the swap sh0p ! i L0ve that pLace l0L i g0t 3 case`sz . a Liight up batteRy . Liight up butt0n`sz . nd a extRa set 0f key`sz f0R 35 d0LLaR`sz . which is a g0od deaL l0L but m0viing 0n . afteR that we came h0me chyLLed then samii Left nd im just chyLLen at my h0use taLking t0 ppL 0nLine nd i changed my j0uRnaL since chRistmas is 0veR =[ l0L .
weLL im gunna g0 bye x0 <33`*