wednesdayy thRu sundayy [t0dayy]

Oct 24, 2004 17:21

heyy w0w itsz been aL0ng tyme but iLL fiLL y0o in d0nt w0RRie ..

wedneszdayy - hmm i d0nt reaLLy member aLL i remember wasz that it wasz a jv f0otbaLL game and f0r the sec0nd tyme they had n0 bus f0r usz cheeRLeadeRsz ..h0w Rudee !! .but amazingLy the 0ther team f0rfitted nd we "w0n" aRe fiRst game ..w0o h0o ..g0 pipeR !!

thuRszdayy - i d0nt membeR ne thing fr0m t0dayy except that i had gat0R pee wee pRactice nd we picked theiR music ..itsz disneysz mamb0 numbeR five ..kute ehh ? l0L

fRidayy - umm sch0oL wasz 0kayy i had a test in ge0metRy h0pefuLLy i did g0od =] wayysz afteR scho0L me manda eRica R0bert danieL nd matthew waLked t0 the b0wLing aLLey nd a LiddeL Laterr shayLa came nd then we stayed theRe tiLL 6 then afteR that went t0 the maLL nd saw the gRudge which wasz kinda stupid seeing as h0w aL0tt 0f the m0vie wasz in chinease but 0h weLL l0L yeah afterr that we stayed tiLL Lyk 10:3o then i came h0me chyLLed nd went t0 sLeep..

satuRdayy - w0kee up eaRLy as usuaL t0 g0 t0 myy pee wee game then afteR that we had a LiddeL paRty nd the geRLsz gave me jamie nd jena thiRty d0LLarsz each..h0w sweet Rite ? ..yupp l0L ne wh0o afteR the game i came h0me then eRica caLLed nd asked if i wanted t0 sLeep0veR i sed suRee s0 she came nd picked me up then we went t0 heR game ..danieL nd his fRiend came t0 keep me 0ccupied kusz i w0uLd 0f been s0 b0Red sitting in the standsz by myseLf l0L weLL ne wayy his fRiend was supp0sed t0 be h0tt s0 eRica w0uLd Lyk him but she didnt think he wasz h0tt at aLL l0L ..0h weLL ne wh0o after tha game we went t0 LandLubbersz which wasz funn nd then afterr that me nd erica went bakk t0 her h0use just chyLLed nd taLked b0ut aL0tt 0f stuff * funn funn *

sundayy [t0dayy] - aww t0dayy me nd eRica g0t w0ken up by j0ey caLLin heR at fucken 8 in the m0rning but it wasz 0kayy bekusz i kn0 h0w happy it made heR..h0w kutee =] hehe weLL he waLked 0ver t0 her h0use nd we chyLLed at heR h0ussze f0r a whiLee then me eRica nd j0ey waLked bakk t0 his h0usze nd juszt chyLLed 0n his pati0 nd in his r0om then i had t0 Leave at 12 t0 g0 t0 jenasz t0 make up the pee wee dance s0 we had t0 waLk bakk t0 eRicasz *s0RRy eRica that i t0ok y0o away fr0m y0uR L0vee l0L* but yeah then afteRR that i came h0me taLked t0 jamie 0n the ph0ne nd she heLped me d0 my rep0Rt f0r ge0gRaphy nd n0w im just chyLLen at h0me taLKin t0 ppL 0nLine *h0w funn* l0L

weLL t2yL buhh byesz x0 <33 L0vee yasz
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