Oct 19, 2004 18:48
heyy heyyy !! w0w im veryy hyperrr i d0nt even kn0 whyy ?!? hmm but ne wayy iLL givee y0o the 411 b0ut m0ndayy nd t0dayy kusz i kn0 y0uR aLL dyin t0 kn0 haha
M0NDAYY - hmm weLL yesterdayy the 2nd semesteR started nd i g0t a new cLass caLLed cRiticaL thinking the teacheR isz my cheeRLeading c0ach s0 i kn0 heR nd shesz nicee t0 me l0L ..aLs0 yesterdayy i had phs nd sRg cheeRLeading then i came h0me nd went 0nLine ..nd pRetty much juszt did the n0RmaL stuff
T0DAYY - t0dayy wasz funn ..i Lyk sCh0oL wen i have n0 testsz itsz such a better dayy nd im in such a g0od m0od wen i d0nt have testsz l0L ..ive been hyperrr aLL day actuaLLy n0w that i think 0f it *wh0o h0o* i Lyk bein happy nd n0t aLL stressed Lyk i usuaLLy am ..if it weRnt Lyk gay ge0metry nd ge0graphy id be Lyk this eveRydayy l0L ..weLL yeah thatsz b0ut aLL i g0tta sayy ..t0nyte since the weatheRsz "bad" pee wee pRactice wasz canceLLed s0 n0w im juszt chyLLen 0nLine ...
weLL im g0nna g0 buhh bye'sz x0 <33