Nov 14, 2008 22:37
Now, don't get me wrong, I love Christmas as much as the next guy, but SERIOUSLY RETAILERS, could you give me a minute to plan my Thanksgiving menu before you put up the Christmas, I know that "the Christmas Shop" back in the Garden Center is ready to roll immediately after Halloween...HELL, BEFORE HALLOWEEN EVEN...but it 'back there' in the garden shop and NOT IN MY FACE. When i went to Walmart last weekend, which was, uh...the FIRST WEEKEND IN NOVEMBER...there was a Christmas tree right out front by the greeters.
Personally, i am not a fan of hitting the fast forward button right after you get Halloween out of the way. I rather enjoy that little lull between parading our kids around in costume and getting ready to give thanks. It gives me time to think about my menu, which rarely deviates from last year's, but still. Give me a minute before I have to start thinking about Christmas.
See, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I like the pageantry of the turkey and that our table will be leafed out to accomodate us all and that we will all sit together at the table and partake in a meal truly worthy of giving thanks. I truly enjoy getting up early and getting Mr. Bird ready for the oven and the hours that come after that I am orchestrating our meal. I love that The Longhorn comes to help make the fruit salad, i.e. she comes in to make her own fruit salad because she doesn't like coconut, but still...we get to spend some time together in the kitchen.
And back to the Christmas thing...Thanksgiving Day, in our radio market, is when my favorite adult contemporary station starts playing Christmas music...
and I don't mind that. In fact, it is a tradition for me to cook while listening to Christmas tunes, and it has become a family joke with me and the kids that I will BELT OUT the tune "Christmas Shoes" each and EVERY time it plays...which is A LOT.
It's like this. Thanksgiving to me, is like Christmas, with the same food, basically, and the same joy...yet without the stress of the whole gift stuff. It, to me, is a nice transition, working in the kitchen, listening to Christmas tunes while preparing a gargantuan Thanksgiving meal for my family...into the 'holiday season.' It gets me ready for Christmas, while still embracing the importance of having my family together for a lovely meal and yet another prayer from the best pray-er on the planet, UMHB. The Boy loves Thanksgiving and Christmas, too, because it is one of the few tiimes that we all get to sit around the table at one time, all together.
And pushing the fast forward button and skipping over Thanksgiving, to me, is a little bit disrespectful to my favorite holiday. Personally, i think we should all hit the pause button and enjoy this few weeks leading up to Thanksgiving Day.
Oh, and please do not call it Turkey Day. It is not a day about turkey. If we had lasagna, it would still be Thanksgiving.
So, let's take a minute and enjoy it instead of just looking forward to christmas. Believe me, Christmas will be here in force the day after Thanksgiving...and Christmas will have its, let's let Thanksgiving have it's day, shall we?