Things Change

Nov 09, 2008 23:10

Back in '03, when the Senior did all her Senior things that required Dad and I to share air, I was completely undone...anxiety levels...

off the chart.

Fast forward.  The Senior's senior night for her last football game.  Parents walk the seniors out onto the field to celebrate the end of their senior football season.  The Senior wanted ALL the parents there, which meant she didn't get Dad and Dianna and Me...she didn't get just Dad and Dianna...or just Dad and Me, but she got Dad and Dianna and Me and Rob.

She trumped everybody.

Woohoo for her.

But more, woohoo for me.  I'd gone and got my hurdid so I was feeling sort of pretty with my new 'do, and really, who knew that a good 'do would make you feel that confident????

At any rate, bottom line is this...I'm over the anxiety.  I'm perfectly comfortable sharing air with Dad and Dianna and Rob and having a chat.  I'm just over it, I guess.  It has, after all, been 10 years.

After The Senior graduates, if you get real about it, what we have to look forward to is weddings and grandbabies...

And I refuse to take shifts visiting the hospital when my grandbabies are born.

Get over it, everybody...let's do this together and be happy.

Which is where i was on Friday night, standing on the left side of The Senior, along with Rob...with Dad and Dianna on the other side.  None of us more proud than the other, though Dad and Dianna probably had more right to the moment since they do every thing that has to do with band.

And really, there was a moment when i thought, hey...they do and this should be their photo op.

But she wanted us all there.

so there we were.

I  mean, hey, maybe The Teacher can photoshop us out of the picture so that Dad and Dianna can have their picture.

As for me, i think it is fantastic that enough time has passed that i don't send myself into cardiac arrest at the very thought of sharing air with Dad and Dianna....

and i guess the turning point was when we had breakfast together in honor of the Longhorn at her Top Ten breakfast.

and for that I am more than thankful.

so, to me, here is where we go forward.

bring on the weddings and the grandbabies...and the two more college graduations.

I'm up for it...and for once, my blood pressure won't be.
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