Hello all,
Sharing a summary for the TegoMass radio episode aired on 23 May.
I've summarised this only based on what i've heard so there could very well be mistakes. Please let me know if that's the case. Like Kchan NEWS, I'll do a summary whenever I can but no promises (given that i have an exam coming up and i'm still working full time)
YT link for those who want it:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUUcLoNgh1c&feature=g-all-u (Especially for
katrinasacay and
They started talking about tsuyu (spring showers) and Tegoshi said that he get depressed from it. When Arachi asked for the reason, Tegoshi said it was because he won't be able to play soccer outdoors. Massu then commented that the rain makes shopping difficult too, cos' going around the shops in the rain would be troublesome. Which led them to talk about wellingtons/wellies/gum boots/rubber boots, and how they became fashionable in Japan recently, with different colours and lengths etc. And then Tegoshi then asked if they were waterproof and both Massu and Arachi laughed because keeping out water is the fundamental nature of such boots. Tegoshi apologised for his airheaded question. Massu then made yet another comment about Tegoshi wearing only military print tank tops in summer
[he made a similar comment two weeks ago/ Massu, why are you so interested >
Song request - Hanamuke
A fan wrote in to say that she bought the Mahou Live DVD and because she was watching it everyday, her two year old son have started to sing along to some of them. She also mentioned that she attended a gathering when she was pregnant and halfway through the party, the music for Hanamuke started. Just as she was wondering who had put on the song, everyone else stood us and started singing this song without using microphones. When her friends realised that she was pregnant, they wanted to hold a celebration for her. They knew that she likes TegoMass so they did some research and selected this song to sing to her. She cried, and was extremely touched and happy. Thererafter, when Hanamuke was played from the DVD the other day, her son said that he knew the song. Apparently she had not played Hanamuke to her son before so she asked where he heard the song from. He pointed to her tummy and said 'Here. And mama cried.' She was extremely shocked that he seemed to recall the event even though he was in her tummy then!? Hence she requested for Hanamuke to be played. Btw her son calls Tegoshi 'Tego nya' and Massu 'Macchu'.
[Hanamuke was played]
TegoMass also mentioned that some karaoke places will start showing Mahou Live footage when you request for Hanamuke. Tegoshi wondered if they would include the acapella intro to the song and said to Massu that they should go check it out themselves. [TegoMassu checking TegoMassu in karaoke )^0^( ]
Next a fan asked them what type of songs they think would be cute for a girl to sing. Massu started singing Whiteberry's 'Natsu Matsuri', with Tegoshi going 'ii yo, ii yo (good)' and ended with the both of them doing a gag at the end. Tegoshi said Massu sang it only for the gag at the end and he already knew that the gag was coming when Massu started singing the first verse. [TegoMass has become one!]
Whiteberry's natsu matsuri:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYuz7PcBb2U The next letter was a fan who learnt that being able to whistle 'doremi' helps with facial muscles which in turn helps with smiling. Arachi made a comment about being able to see their facial muscles and Tegoshi asked Arachi if she was MRI (scan) So they tried whistling.
*Massu whistled perfectly~*
Tegoshi: Okay, I'll go. *whistles 'do,re,...'* WAIT. (the other two laughed)
Tegoshi tried whistling again and somehow made it, albeit not quite perfectly. TegoMass then launched into whistling practice. (Haha, thank goodness I wasn't in need of a toilet then ><) Arachi tried a couple of times and failed.
The last fan letter was about someone who wore the same thing as another friend on the same day. She wondered if TegoMass have had times when they turned up with the same clothings/things ever. Tegoshi mentioned that Keichan and him turned up with the same pair of green sunglasses but probably has never turned up with the same thing as Massu ever. Massu added on to say that they don't have the same brand of clothes or have the same type of accessories; they don't eat the same flavour for mints; they don't own the same kind of toiletries; and while both of them were drinking coffee during the recording, Massu was having iced coffee while Tegoshi had hot coffee. Tegoshi added on that one thing they have in common is that they both like red wine. And TegoMass went wild with the 'wairudo daze~~~' talk.
[Massu notices the type of mint Tegoshi eats... >< And TegoMass going off tangent in the radio program is what makes it interesting for me!]
The lawyer came back in this episode. Before Arachi read the question out, she said that the lawyer has been listening to TegoMass songs. Apparently he has their CDs in his car and could memorise 'Wasuremono'. In fact, he sang it at a class gathering the other day and at this point, TegoMass were both very happy and excited. When asked which part he'd sing, he answered 'Tegoshi' and Tegoshi went 'Yatta'.
The question was about losing wallets and what needs to be done when such things happens. Other than the usual things about replacing cards/ canceling credit cards etc, the lawyer also mentioned taking steps to prevent someone from making a fake copy of your ID and using it for borrowing money/faking your identity etc. Tegoshi also shared that when traveling overseas, one should never put their wallets in their back pockets. (fair point, as most countries aren't as safe as Japan.)